LGBT Forum Progress has filed a claim today to the Police autorities against Minic Raso because he offended and made violence and death threats towards the members of the LGBT population trough the social network Facebook.

LGBT Forum Progres podnio je danas prijavu Upravi policije protiv izvjesnog Minić Raša zato što je putem socijalne mreže Facebook vrijeđao, prijetio nasiljem i smrću pripadnicima LGBT populacije.

LGBT Forum Progress learns that this is a person from Niksic, a former police officer whose current occupation is unknown.

Minic has, among other things, named the members of LGBT population “miserable, livestock that stain the earth” and that they deserve to be beaten, tortured, tied down naked and burned to death.

Minic sent a series of personal insults and qualifications at the expense of the executive director of the LGBT Forum Progress.

Criminal complaint with the supporting documentation was submitted for assessment and decision of the Supreme Public Prosecutor.

LGBT Forum progress, since the launch of its public work in February of the last year to date, has filed approximately forty claims to the Police and the basic state prosecutors for a variety of misdemeanor and criminal acts committed at the expense of members of the LGBT population.

Legal prosecution of violence against LGBT persons is difficult because of  still unsettled sensibility and capacity of the state institutions and the fact that LGBT Forum Progress still doesn’t have donor support for the legal aid program, which has proven to be a very serious problem.

LGBT Forum Progres saznaje da je riječ o osobi iz Nikšića, bivšem policijskom službeniku, čije je trenutno zanimanje nepoznato. Minić je između ostalog pripadnike LGBT populacije nazvao „ fukarom, stokom i ljagama zemaljskim“ koju treba tući, koje treba mučiti „zavezati gole“ i „zapaliti“.

Minić je uputio i niz ličnih uvreda i kvalifikacija na račun izvršnog direktora LGBT Foruma Progres.

Krivična prijava sa kompletnom pratećom dokumentacijom dostavljena je na ocjenu i odlučivanje Vrhovnom državnom tužiocu.

LGBT Forum Progres od pokretanja svog javnog rada, februara prošle godine, do danas Upravi policije i osnovnim državnim tužiocima podnio je oko četrdeset prijava zbog različitih prekršajnih I krivičnih dijela učinjenih na štetu pripadnika i pripadnica LGBT populacije.

Pravno procesuiranje nasilja nad LGBT osobama je otežano kako zbog još uvijek neizgrađenog senzibiliteta I kapaciteta državnih institucija tako i zbog činjenice što LGBT Forum Progres još uvijek nema podršku donatora za program pravne pomoći što se u praksi pokazuje kao veoma ozbiljan problem.


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