EuroGames”, the largest European LGBT sport manifestation in which for the first time the Montenegrin delegation took part, took place in Budapest between the 27th of June and the 1st of July of 2012.

U Budimpešti, od 27. juna do 1. jula ove godine, održane su “Evropske igre” – “Eurogames”, najveća evropska LGBT sportska manifestacija na kojoj su po prvi put zvanično učestvovali i sportisti i sportistkinje iz Crne Gore.

This year’s EuroGames, which basically represent the European equivalent to the Olympic Games are officially supported by the International Olympic committee and by the upcoming Olympic games in London.

European games, which are traditionally organized by the European gay and lesbian sport federation (EGLSF) together with local LGBT groups gathered around  4000 athletes and 2000 sport workers, LGBT activists and the supporters of the equality of LGBT persons in sport and in the society.

Sponsored by the Government of Montenegro, athletes, assembled trough the LGBT Forum Progress, the only public LGBT organization in Montenegro, took part in various different sports. Considering the limited resources and the development of the LGBT community the representatives of Montenegro achieved great results. Bronze medals were won in handball, running and chess. Fourth place was won in volleyball. The volleyball player of the LGBT Forum Progress was also named the best middle player.

The representatives of Montenegro also made a noticed success on the numerous workshops and forums which were held as a part of the Games.

The participation of the athlete delegation of the LGBT Forum Progress and the support of the Montenegrin Government to the performance on this extremely important sport competition represents the opportunity for Montenegro, to once again, on the Pan-European level, shows its determination to establish democracy and the European identity and also to the adherence to the values of the tolerance and equality.

LGBT Forum Progress as the full member of the EGLSF addressed the letter if the intention for applying for the host of EuroGames. It would be an outstanding sport, tourists, developmental and economic chance for Montenegro. LGBT Forum Progress will  through its gradual development, work on it with devotion. The organizers of the previous games reported that the city of Budapest made several millions of Euros, and the calculation was made on the minimal spending estimation of only 50 Euros per person per day.

Ovogodišnje Evropske igre, koje u suštini predstavljaju evropski LGBT pandan olimpijskim igrama, zvanično su podržane od strane Međunarodnog olimpijskog komiteta  i predstojeće Olimpijade u Londonu.

Na Evropskim igrama, koje tradicionalno organizuje Evropska gej i lesbejska sportska federacija (EGLSF) u saradnji sa domaćim LGBT grupama, ove godine se okupilo blizu 4000 sportista i 2000 sportskih radnika, LGBT aktivista, i podržavaoca ravnopravnosti LGBT osoba u sportu i društvu.

Pod pokroviteljstvom Vlade Crne Gore sportisti i sportistkinje, okupljeni preko LGBT Foruma Progres, jedine javne LGBT organizacije u Crnoj Gori, uzeli su takmičarsko učešće u nekoliko sportskih disciplina.  S obzirom na ograničene resurse i razvijenost LGBT zajednice predstavnici/ce Crne Gore ostvarili su solidne rezultate. Osvojene su bronzane medalje u rukometu, trčanju i šahu. Četvrto mjesto osvojeno je u odbojci. Rukometašica LGBT Foruma Progres proglašena je i za najboljeg srednjeg igrača.

Predstavnici/ce iz Crne Gore zapaženo učešće imali su i na pratećim sadržajima igara, brojnim radionicama i forumima.

Učešće sportske delegacije LGBT Foruma Progres i podrška crnogorske Vlade nastupu na izuzetno značajnom sportskom takmičenju bila je i prilika da Crna Gora, još jednom, na pravom panevropskom nivou, potvrdi svoju riješenost da uspostavi demokratiju i evropski identitet kao i privrženost vrijednostima tolerancije i ravnopravnosti.

LGBT Forum Progres kao punopravni član EGLFS-a  uputio je pismo namjere da planira aplicirati za domaćina EuroGames-a. To će biti izvanredna sportska, turistička, razvojna i ekonomska šansa za Crnu Goru. LGBT Forum Progres će na tome, kroz svoj postupni razvoj, predano raditi. Organizatori minulih igara saopštili su da je grad Budimpešta od ove manifestacije prihodovala više miliona eura pri čemu je kalkulacija vršena na minimalnoj procjeni potrošnje po osobi od svega 50 eura po danu.


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