Executive director of the LGBT Forum Progress Zdravko Cimbaljevic, today, after a year and a half, took a walk downtown Niksic accompanied by the crew of the Serbian television “Prva” and by the plainclothes police officers.

Izvršni direktor LGBT Foruma Progres Zdravko Cimbaljević danas je, nakon godinu i po dana od svog javnog deklarisanja, prošetao centrom Nikšića u pratnji ekipe srpske televizije „Prva“ i neuniformisanih policijskih službenika.

The editors of the TV show “Explosive”, which is a show on the “Prva” TV, have expressed the wish that the interview with the first publicly declared homosexual takes place in Niksic, his home town, in which homophobia slightly more pronounced than in the rest of the country. After the consultations with the police and within the LGBT Forum Progress, the idea was accepted, especially in order to check the police capacities and the safety of the publicly declared LGBT persons in the country.

During the extremely short walk on the Niksic promenade, several dozen people, who was mostly having a drink in the nearby coffee-shops addressed profanities and derogatory words towards Cimbaljevic. Among other things the guests of the restaurants and coffee-shops along the promenade were saying : “Get out of here”, “ Did you come to conquer the city”, “Faggot”, “May Cimbo fuck you”, “ Fuck that cameraman next to you”, “Why did you come here”, “You are so pathetic because of those who you protect” (referring to the police officers), “If Milo came (Ex Prime minister) he wouldn’t have this much security” ect…

Besides the aggressive rhetoric and not so pleasant situation, in which the journalists of the “Prva” TV and Zdravko Cimbaljevic were caught, LGBT Forum Progress considers the fact that no one chose the physical violence very positive. It gives the hope that the conditions will be gradually made that Niksic will also join the cities in which it is possible to live freely regardless of ones sexual orientation or gender identity. LGBT Forum Progress praises the acts of two elder citizens who without any fear approached Cimbaljevic and shook hands with him, risking their own security by doing so.

LGBT Forum Progress praises the professionalism of the Police directory and the will of the police officers to provide safety and dignity to every citizen of Montenegro regardless of their difference of any kind.

Fighting against discrimination and humiliating treatment together with the ensuring the freedom of motion represent the values on which Montenegro, when it comes to LGBT persons, needs to work with much more energy, effort and consistent devotion. The freedom of motion and the absence of discrimination on any grounds represent one of the leading values of the European Union which just opened the accession negotiations.

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Urednici emisije „Explosiv“, koja se daje na Prvoj televiziji, izrazili su želju da se intervju sa prvim crnogorskim javno deklarisanim homoseksualcem realizuje u Nikšiću, njegovom radnom gradu u kojem je homofobija među izraženijim u zemlji. Nakon konsultacija sprovedenih sa policijom i unutar LGBT Foruma Progres ideja je prihvaćena posebno zato kako bi se na terenu provjerili policijski kapaciteti ali i sigurnost javno deklarisanih LGBT osoba u toj sredini.

Tokom ipak izuzetno kratke šetnje nikšićkim korzom nekoliko desetina osoba, koje su uglavnom boravile u usputnim lokalima, Cimbaljeviću su upućene brojne psovke i pogrdne riječi. Između ostalog gosti ugostiteljskih objekata duž korzoa govorili su „Mrš odavde“, „Jesi to došao da osvojiš grad“, „Pederu“,  „Pederčine“, „Jebo vas Cimbo“, „Izjebi i tog kamermana pored tebe“, „Što si došao ovđe“, „Jadni vi koga štitite“ (misleći na prisutne policijske službenike), „Da je Milo došao ne bi imao ovoliko obezbeđenje“ i slično.

I pored agresivne retorike i nimalo prijatne situacije, u kojoj su se našli novinari Prve televizije i Cimbaljević, LGBT Forum Progres ocjenjuje pozitivnim što se nijedan građanin nije opredijelio za fizičko nasilje. To daje nadu da će se postepeno stvarati uslovi da se i Nikšić pridruži sredinama u kojima je moguće bezbjedno i slobodno živjeti i pored činjenice na različitu seksualnu orjentaciju ili rodni identitet. LGBT Forum Progres pohvaljuje i postupak dvojice starijih građana, koji su Cimbaljevića, bez ustručavanja, pozdravili na ulici i rukovali se s njim, rizikujući u tom trenutku i sopstvenu bezbjednost.

LGBT Forum Progres i ovom prilikom pohvaljuje profesionalizam Uprave policije i spremnost policijskih službenika da svakom građaninu Crne Gore obezbijede sigurnost i dostojanstvo bez obzira na njihovu različitost bilo koje vrste.

Borba protiv diskriminacija i ponižavajućeg tretmana kao i osiguranje slobode udruživanja i kretanja predstavljaju vrijednosti na kojima Crna Gora, kada je riječ o LGBT osobama, mora raditi  s mnogo više energije i truda i dosljedne posvećenosti. Sloboda kretanja i odsustvo diskrimacije po bilo kojoj osnovi predstavljaju jedne od vodećih vrijednosti Evropske unije koja je sa Crnom Gorom upravo otvorila pristupne pregovore.

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LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...