Representative of LGBT Forum Progress participated on a training course „Sing Equality – Bring Equality“ that was held in Novi Sad, Serbia  from 14-21 of March 2011.Predstavnik LGBT Forum Progres ucestvovao je na trening kursu „Sing Equality – Bring Equality“ koji je održan u Novom Sadu 14-21. marta 2011.

Organisation with its main office in Belgrade Gay Strait Aliance organised international training course about fighting against discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons trough music and video production. As part of this course, next to non-formal education about supporting and fighting for human rights, there was also workshops with participants with aim to create songs and video spot promoting these rights.

Participants from 10 different countries (Italy, Hungary, Izrael, Turkey, Georgia , Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro) wrote song on their mother tongue and recorded song that sends messages about equality and solidarity of all, no matter of their nationality, believes, sexual orientation and gender identity. After that participants made and recorded a video spot by them self on the streets of Novi Sad. Song and music video was presented in public on 20th of March as final result of their course.

Video of this music video you can see on the left side of our web page OR directly wach it HERE.

Also, pictures from this course you can see on our Photo gallery page.



This project was supported by Education Audiovisual Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission within the framework of the Youth in Action (Youth in Action)

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Organizacija sa sjedištem u Beogradu, Srbija, Gej Strejt Alijansa organizovala je međunarodni trening kurs o borbi protiv diskriminacije lezbejki, gejeva, biseksualnih i transrodnih (LGBT) osoba kroz muzičku i video produkciju. Kao dio kursa, pored neformalne edukacije o borbi za ljudska prava, rađene su i radionice sa ciljem kreiranja pjesme i video spota.

Učesnici/e iz 10 različitih zemalja (Italija, Mađarska, Izrael, Turska, Gruzija, Albanija, Hrvatska, Makedonija, Crna Gora i Srbija) napisali su tekst pjesme na maternjim jezicima i snimili pjesmu koja sadrži poruke o jednakosti i solidarnosti svih bez obzira na nacionalnost, vjeru, seksualnu orijentaciju i rodni identitet. Zatim su osmislili i snimili video spot na ulicama Novog Sada. Pjesma i muzički video prezentovani su javnosti 20. marta kao završni rezultat trening kursa.

Video ovog muzičkog spota možete naći na lijevoj strani našeg sajta ili na sljedećem linku.

Takođe foto sa ovog trening kursa možete vidjeti u našoj Foto galeriji.



Ovaj projekat podržava Direktorat za edukaciju i kulturu Evropske Komisije u okviru programa Mladi u akciji (Youth in Action).

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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