keep-calm-and-support-gay-rights-4BE INVOLVED

If you would like to be informed about our activities send us an email on [email protected] and we will add you our our mailing list.


Support from membership, members of LGBTIQ community and others interested can be very helpful to our work make and do with much more successful results.  Support from the membership, members of LGBTIQ community and other interested individuals can help us to do our work better and more successful.

If you decide to support us you can do the following:

  • Donation
    • Payment from inside of Montenegro you can pay on our bank account: 510-48200-67
    • Payment instruction from abroad you can take from this link here

    Thank you!!!



Ukoliko želite da budete informisani o našim aktivnostimo pošaljite mail na [email protected] da bismo Vas dodali na našu mailing listu.


Podrška od članstva, pripadnika/ca LGBTIQ zajednice i ostalih zainteresovanih pojedinaca svakako nam može pomoći da svoj radi obavljamo što kvalitetnije i uspješnije.

Ukoliko se odlučite podržati nas to možete uraditi na sljedeći način:

  • Donacijom
  • Sredstva možete uplatiti na račun u CKB: 510-48200-67
  • Instrukcije za uplatu iz inostranstva na račun LGBT Forum Progres možete preuzeti ovdje
