The marking of the 13th of July, the Independency Day, holds the opportunity of a reminder of the fact that in Montenegro still exist the ideological contents and the organizational forms of fascism and right handed extremism.

Obilježavanje 13 jula, Dana državnosti, prilika je podsjetiti da u Crnoj Gori i dalje postoje ideološki sadržaji i organizacioni oblici savremenog fašizma i desnog ekstremizma.

They are still not emphasized enough and it is likely to be continued until a brutal and tragic breaking of Human Rights happens. Then the social protagonists will judge, Government officials will make promises and we will all wonder how come fascism still exists among us. The disabling of the rights of the LGBT persons is a confirmation that fascism still exists. The tactics and the rhetoric are the only thing that changed. Fascism is still present on the Internet, in the media web-portals, social networks, institutional meetings, political speeches and leaflets , statements made by certain politicians and religious leaders.

The fight for respecting of the rights of LGBT persons and the fight for the freedom and visibility of the LGBT community needs to be recognized as the integral part of Human Rights and the anti-fascistic heritage which represents the pride of the modern Montenegro.

The marking of the July 13th is the opportunity to declare that the LGBT Forum Progress has today filed a complaint to the Montenegrin Ombudsman, against 19 Montenegrin mayors on the basis of discriminatory attitude towards the LGBT community. The presidents of 19  Montenegrin municipalities are still refusing the communication and the cooperation with the LGBT community and with the LGBT Forum Progress. They have been, since February of this year, on two occasions informed about the existing and about the work of the temporary shelter for the LGBT persons who are in conflict with their families because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. The dialog on LGBT rights on the local level and the support of every president of the each municipality is of crucial relevance for the objective informing and understanding of the shelter and of the Human Rights of the LGBT persons among the local citizens.

A positive examples are only the mayor of Cetinje and the mayor of Kotor. Mrs. Marija Maja Catovic represents one of the rare leaders in the Mediterranean and in the Balkans who has visibly stood up for the equality of all citizens in a society.

Anti-fascistic and professional approach of the presidents of the municipalities, trough initiated forms of action, could significantly improve the tolerance and the acceptance of the LGBT persons within the local community, to improve the culture of Human Rights in our country, to act as a prevention on the possible forms of violence and hatred and to help accepting of every difference and to make life and work of the LGBT persons in every municipality more secure and pleasant.

According  13th of July  the delegation of the LGBT Forum Progress visited today the Monument to the Partisan Fighter on the Gorica hill, in Podgorica, and in that way has paid the tribute to all of those who have died in the fight against fascism, for the society of social justice and for the establishing of the democratic and civic Montenegro.

LGBT Forum „PROGRESS“ is the only transparent NGO who gathers LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) persons and fights for the respecting and protection of their Human Rights and for their equality in the society.

[nggallery id=21] O njima se još uvijek nedovoljno govori i to će vjerovatno biti tako sve dok se ne desi primjer brutalnog i tragičnog kršenja ljudskih prava. Tada će se društveni akteri utrkivati u osudama, vladini fukcioneri će obećavati sve i svašta a svi ćemo se pitati otkuda fašizam u nas i među nama.  Onemogućavanje prava LGBT osoba potvrda je da fašizam i dalje postoji. Promijenila se samo politička taktika i retorika. Fašizam je danas prisutan na Internetu, na medijskim web portalima, socijalnim mrežama, na institucionalnim sastancima, političkim govorima i pamletima, istupima pojednih političara i vjerskih lidera.

Borbu za poštovanje prava LGBT osoba  i borbu za slobodu i vidljiovost LGBT zajednice u crnogorskom društvu treba prepoznati kao integralni dio ljudskih prava i antifašističku tekovinu kojom se ponosi i na kojoj počiva današnja Crna Gora.

Obilježavanje 13. jula prilika je da javnost obavijestimo da je LGBT Forum Progres danas podnio pritužbu crnogorskom Ombudsmanu protiv 19 crnogorskih gradonačelnika zbog  diskriminatornog odnosa. Predsjednici 19 crnogorskih opština uporno odbijaju komunikaciju i saradnju sa LGBT zajednicom i LGBT Forumom Progres. Oni su, od februara ove godine, u dva navrata informisani o postajanju i radu privremenog skloništa za LGBT osobe koje su u konfliktu sa svojom porodicom zbog svoje seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta. Dijalog o LGBT pravima na lokalnom nivou i podrška svakog predsjednika opštine ponaosob od presudnog je značaja za objektivno informisanje i razumijevanje kako skloništa tako i ljudskih prava LGBT osoba kod lokalnog stranovništva.

Pozitivan izuzetak jedino su gradonačnik Cetinja i gradonačenica Kotora. Gospođa Marija Maja Ćatović predstavlja jednu od rijetkih liderki na Mediteranu i Balkanu koja je vidljivo i aktivno ustala za ravnopravnost svih građana u društvu.

Antifašistički i profesionalan pristup predsjednika opština, kroz inicirane forme akcije, mogao bi značajno da popravi toleranciju i prihvatanje LGBT osoba u lokalnoj zajednici, popravi kulturu ljudskih prava u našoj zemlji, preventivno djeluje na moguće oblike nasilja i mržnje te pomogne prihvatanje svake različitosti a život i rad LGBT osoba u svakoj opštini učini sigurnijim i prijatnijim.

Povodom 13. jula delegacija LGBT Foruma Progres posjetila je danas u 17 sati Spomenik Partizanu borcu na Goricu, u Podgorici, i odala počast i zahvalnost svima koji su položili živote u borbi protiv fašizma, za društvo socijalne pravde i za uspostavljanje demokratske i građanske Crne Gore.



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LGBT Forum Progres traži pojačanje!

LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...