LGBT Forum Progress, the only transparent LGBT organization in Montenegro, became a full member of the TransGender Europe (TGEU), the leading European association which is devoted to the protection of the transgender persons.

LGBT Forum Progres, jedina transparentna LGBT grupa u Crnoj Gori, postala je punopravni član TransGender Europe (TGEU), vodeće evropske asocijacije posvećene zaštiti transrodnih osoba.

The mission of TG Europe is, ampng other things, to improve the life conditions of transgender persons troughout Europe, to represent their interests and to be the primary source of information and counceling for the transgender questions for the decision making at the European level.

TGEU, founded in 2005, currently gathers 56 national organizations from 23 countries. For further information on TGEU visit

LGBT Forum Progress is strongy devoted to the development of the transgender community and to its better position in the Montenegrin society. Along the first study on the transgender persons in Montenegro, LGBT Forum Progress has led and successfully finished a year long public campaign for the changes of the Law on health insurance  which finally enabled that the state pays 80% of the expences of the triad procedure of gender confirmation. Also, on the 16th of May of this year, LGBT  Forum Progress organized the first public protest of the Montenegrin LGBT community when the volunteers of the LGBT Forum Progress protested in front of the Turkish Embassy in Podgorica, expressed solidarity with the transgender persons in Turkey, and raised the voice against their discrimination , brutality commited to towards them and their killings. Furthermore, LGBT Forum Progress initiated and organized the first meeting of the Montenegrin transgender persons with the officials of the Montenegrin health system on the highest level.

LGBT Forum Progress believes that international networking of any kind contributes to the strengthening of confidence and protection of transgender persons, building of its own, but also of the capacities of the society as a whole, and to the better monitoring of respecting of Human Rights in Montenegro.

Misija TG Europe je, između ostalog, da poboljša životne uslove transrodnih osoba širom Evrope, da predstavlja njihove interese i bude primarni izvor informacija i savjeta za transrodna pitanja za donošenje odluka na evropskom nivou.

TGEU, osnovana 2005, trenutno okuplja 56 nacionalnih organizacija iz 23 zemlje. Za više detalja o TGEU posjetite

LGBT Forum Progres snažno je posvećen razvoju transrodne zajednice i njenom boljem položaju u crnogorskom društvu. Uz prvu studiju o transrodnim osobama u Crnoj Gori, LGBT Forum Progres, godinu je dana vodio i uspješno završio javnu kampanju za izmjene zakona o zdrastvenom osiguranju koji je napokon omogućio da se, na teret državnog budžeta, omogući trijadni proces rodne konfirmacije. Takođe, 16. maja ove godine LGBT Forum Progres organizovao je prvi javni protest crnogorske LGBT zajednice kada je ispred sjedišta ambasade Republike Turske u Podgorici iskazana solidarnost sa transrodnim osobama u toj zemlji i dignut glas protiv njihove diskriminacije, brutalnosti nad  njima i ubijanja. Takođe, nedavno je LGBT Forum Progres inicirao i organizovao prvi susret crnogorskih transrodnih osobama sa zvaničnicima crnogorskog zdrastvenog sistema na najvišem nivou.

LGBT Forum Progres ocjenjuje da međunarodno povezivanje svake vrste doprinosi jačanju samopouzdanja i zaštiti trasrodnih osoba, izgradnji sopstevnih ali i kapaciteta društva u cjelini kao i boljem monitoring poštovanja ljudskih prava LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori.

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