Sucko Bakovic, the Protector of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro (the Ombudsman) together with his deputy Marijana Lakovic, have had a meeting today with Zdravko Cimbaljevic, Executive Director of the NGO „LGBT Forum Progress“.

Šućko Baković, Zaštitnik ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore i Marijana Laković, zamjenica Zaštitnika primili su danas, u sjedištu institucije, Zdravka Cimbaljevića, izvršnog direktora nevladine organizacije „LGBT Forum Progres“.

Cimbaljevic has informed the officials of this institution about the current activities of the LGBT Forum Progress, about the celebrating of the Pride Month in Montenegro and in the region, on the beginning of the preparations for the organizing of the first ever Pride Parade in Montenegro and about the started process of consultations regarding the founding and constituting of the Organizing committee.

Cimbaljevic reminded of the built partnership with the Montenegrin Government and of their joint, signed declaration trough which they pointed out that the first Pride Parade is a historically important event which has a purpose of confirming the ability of the state Montenegro to accept and neuter equality. Bakovic and Lakovic pointed out that the Institution of Ombudsman will actively contribute to the neutering of the mutual trust and to the continuous improvement of the way of life of the LGBT persons in Montenegro.

The Ombudsman accepted the invitation of the LGBT Forum Progress to become a full member of the Organizing Committee, which will prepare and the first Pride Parade in Podgorica. The representative of the Institution of Ombudsman in the Organizing Committee will be Marijana Lakovic, the Deputy of Ombudsman.

Cimbaljevic has, in the name of the LGBT Forum Progress, estimated that the institution of the Ombudsman enjoys the trust of the LGBT community and that it has a great cooperation with the Montenegrin civic sector in the field of improving and developpement of the Human Rights in Montenegro.

The Protector has accepted, as a way of support, the initiative of the LGBT Forum Progress to point out a rainbow flag, which represents the official and universal mark of the LGBT community and LGBT movements in the world, on the official building of the Institution, during the Pride Month.

By accepting the membership in the Organizing Committee, trough the active approach to the promoting of protection of discrimination towards the LGBT persons, and by pointing out the rainbow flag, the Institution of the Ombudsman has joined the celebrating of the Pride Month and  the begining of creating of the positive approach and circumstances for the holding of the first Pride Parade in Montenegro.

This statement can also be downloaded from the official websites of the Ombudsman

Cimbaljević je zvaničnike institucije Zaštitnika upoznao sa aktuelnim aktivnostima LGBT Foruma Progres, obiljževanju aktuelnog Prajd mjeseca u Crnoj Gori i regionu, početku priprema za organizovanje prve Povorke ponosa u Crnoj Gori i započetom procesu konsultacija u vezi sa osnivanjem i konstituisanjem pratećeg Organizacionog odbora.

Cimbaljević je podsjetio i na izgrađeno partnerstvo sa crnogorskom Vladom i na zajedničku, potpisanu izjavu sa Vladom kojom su istakli da je prva Povorka ponosa istorijski važan događaj koji treba da potvrdi sposobnost države Crne Gore da prihvata i njeguje ravnopravnost. Baković i Lakovićeva su istakli  da će institucija Zaštitnika aktivno doprinositi njegovanju međusobnog povjerenja i kontinuiranom poboljšanju uslova za život svih LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori.

Institucija Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore, na poziv LGBT Foruma Progres, prihvatila je punopravno učešće u Organizacionom odboru koji će pripremiti i organizovati prvu Povorku ponosa u Podgorici. Članica Organizacionog odbora ispred Institucije biće Marijana Laković, zamjenica Zaštitnika.

Cimbaljević je, u ime LGBT Foruma Progres je ocijenio da institucija Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore uživa puno povjerenje LGBT zajednice i da ima odličnu saradnju sa crnogorskim civilnim društvom na polju poboljšanja i razvoja ljudskih prava u Crnoj Gori.

Zaštitnik je prihvatio, kao vid podrške, inicijativu LGBT Foruma Progres da se na službenoj zgradi Institucije, tokom trajanja Prajd mjeseca, istakne zastava duginih boja koja predstavlja zvanično univerzalno obilježje LGBT zajednice i svih LGBT pokreta u svijetu.


Kroz prihvatanje članstva u Organizacionom odboru, aktivnim pristupom u promovisanju zaštite od diskriminacije LGBT osoba i isticanjem zastave institucija Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore pridružila se obilježavanju Prajd mjeseca i početku stvaranja klime za održavanje prve Povorke ponosa u Crnoj Gori.


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