LGBT Forum Progress announces a serial of meetings with all political parties in Montenegro.
LGBT Forum Progres najavljuje seriju sastanaka sa svim političkim partijama u Crnoj Gori.

LGBT population in Montenegro insist on excellent organization and security which Montenegrin police has to ensure, as well as on importance of political support. In that way Forum has initiated consultations with all parliament political parties.
During next week we asked consultation with the leaders of political parties in order to inform them about the concept of the Pride Parade and to ask them to support the right to freedom of assembly without violence. Such a message is of a special importance for LGBT persons.
Pride Parade under the slogan „Live your life“, brings message on existence of LGBT population and announcement that better time comes in which LGBT persons will be able to live freely and equally. By doing this there will be acknowledge once for all times that in Montenegro live LGBT persons and that they need adequate social protection and attention.
Pride Parade is not directed against anybody, on the contrary, by the Parade there will be expressed strong support to solidarity with all groups. By this event there will be expressed strong support to family and safe family environment.

Parade will show strong support to society in the continuation of European integrations. LGBT Forum Progress use this opportunity to announce that support rights of all citizens and group the right on freedom of assembly, and that holding Pride Parade doesn’t mean that someone would be denied that right. Pride Parade will draw attention to the problems of an important part of population, but this doesn’t mean that it hides any other social problem and a challenge.
Attached are the letters of support to the Pride Parade from Secretary General of ILGA and of the President of the Advisory Committee of the Conference „Justice in the Balkans – equality for sexual minorities“ who have sent their letters to the Prime Minister Igor Luksic.


Letter of support from Secretary General of ILGA

Letter of support from President of the Advisory Committee of the Conference „Justice in Balksans – equality for sexual minorities“

Pripadnici LGBT populacije u Crnoj Gori insistiraju na besprekornoj organizaciji i sigurnosti koju mora obezbijediti crnogorska policija kao i na značaju postojanja političke podrške. U tom smislu Forum je inicirao konsultacije sa svim parlamentarnim političkim partijama u Crnoj Gori.

Tokom predstojeće sedmice zatraženi su razgovori sa rukovodstvima partija kako bi se upoznali sa konceptom Parade ponosa i iskoristila prilika da podrže pravo na slobodu okupljanja bez nasilja. Takva poruka političkih lidera je od posebnog značaja za pripadnike LGBT populacije.

Parada ponosa, pod nazivom „Život treba živjeti“, nosi poruku o postojanju LGBT populacije i najavu da dolazi bolje vrijeme u kojem će LGBT osobe moći slobodno i ravnopravno da žive. Tim činom će se za sva vremena napokon priznati da u Crnoj Gori žive LGBT osobe i da zaslužuju i trebaju odgovarajuću društvenu zaštitu i pažnju.

Održavanje Parade ponosa nije usmjereno protiv bilo koga. Naprotiv. Njome će se izraziti snažna podrška solidarnosti sa svim društvenim grupama. Tim događajem izraziće se i snažna podrška značaju porodice i sigurnog porodičnog okruženja. Parada će iskazati i snažnu podršku kompletnom društvu u nastavku evropskih integracija. LGBT Forum Progres i ovom prilikom saopštava da podržava pravo svakom građaninu i grupi na slobodu okupljanja a održavanje Parade ponosa ne znači da se to nekome uskraćuje. Parada ponosa će skrenuti pažnju na probleme značajnoj dijela stanovništva ali to ne znači da se njome prikrivaju bilo koji drugi društveni problem i izazov.

U prilogu su i pisma podrške Paradi generalne sekretarke međunarodne organizacije ILGA i predsjednika Savjetodavnog komiteta Konferencije „Pravda na Balkanu – jednakost za seksualne manjine“ koja su njihovi čelnici uputili premijeru dr Igoru Lukšiću.


Pismo podrške generalne sekretarke međunarodne organizacije ILGA

Pismo podrške predsjednika Savjetodavnog komiteta Konferencije „Pravda na Balkanu – jednakost za seksualne manjine“

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