”LGBT Forum Progress” , together with the colleagues from the region, Belarus, Ukraine and the Nordic countries , has become the founding member of the new international group for human and LGBT* rights, called BABELNOR.

LGBT Forum Progres je zajedno sa kolegama iz regiona, Bjelorusije, Ukraine i Nordijskih zemalja,  postao član-osnivač nove međunarodne grupe za borbu za ljudska i LGBT* prava, BABLENOR. 

The representative of our organization, Stevan Milivojevic, attended the seminar on the funding, which took place in Oslo, Norway, between 18th and 21st of May.The whole seminar had the goal of making contacts and mutual introductions of the organizations from the participating countries, through workshops, the setting of goals, methods and plans of work, and through socializing and planning.

Considering the time limitation, the working day lasted between 8 am and midnight, but all three days were very productive and filled with great cooperation. The result is the forming of a brand new organization named BABELNOR. The goal of the organization is grouping of the local organizations into bigger associations in order to have a greater impact on the improving and strengthening of the LGBT Human rights.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of participation of the Montenegrin organizations in similar projects, because we as a state are only starting with the work on the improving of life of LGBT population, and there are a lot of things we can learn from some of the participating countries such as Norway and Sweden.

Little photo album :)

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Predstavnik naše organizacije Stevan Milivojević je prisustvovao seminaru povodom osnivanja, koja se održala u Oslu, u Norveškoj, između 18 do 21vog maja. Čitav seminar je bila okrenut međusobnom upoznavanju organizacija iz zemalja učesnica, kroz radionice, postavljanje ciljeva, metoda i planova rada, druženje plamiranje.

Zbog vremenske ograničenosti radni dan je trajao od 8 ujutro do ponoći, ali su sva tri dana bila jako produktivna i ispunjena dobrom saradnjom. Rezultat jeste oformljenje nove organizacije pod imenom BABELNOR. Cilj organizacije jeste grupisanje lokalnih organizacija u veća udruženja sa ciljem veceg uticaja na poboljsanje i osnazivanje LGBT  ljudskih prava.

Neophodno je naglasiti važnost učešća organizacija iz Crne Gore u ovakvim projektima, jer mi kao država tek počinjemo sa radom na poboljšanju života LGBT populacije, i puno je onoga što možemo naučiti od zemalja učesnica kao što su Norveška i Švedska.


Albumčić sa slikama :)

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LGBT Forum Progres traži pojačanje!

LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...