The rainbow flag will not be set in front or on the business building in which the official headquarters of the institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro (Ombudsman) is situated.

Zastava duginih boja neće biti postavljena ispred ili na poslovnoj zgradi u kojoj se nalazi službeno sjedište institucije Zaštnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore.

Regardless the efforts of the Ombudsman himself, Sućko Baković and his deputy Marijana Laković the owners of the building , which among others is used by the institution of the Ombudsman, have the opinion that the setting of the flag is no longer possible for safety reasons.

Yesterday, next to the mark of the Ombudsman, in the lobby in the interior of the building, a rainbow flag of the LGBT community is set. LGBT Forum Progress remarks that in these circumstances, nothing more could have been done.

The institution of the Ombudsman has once again, unlike the other state institutions, shown the solidarity with the LGBT persons and has also shown remarkable dedication towards the respecting of all human rights and towards the final establishing the tolerance in Montenegro.

LGBT Forum Progress sends gratitude regarding the effort of the whole institution of the Ombudsman, and announces the support of the LGBT community in their efforts in the conducting of the anti-discriminatory policies and practices.

Considering the fact that the Ombudsman falls under the Constitutional category, we believe that the institution deserves a building of its own and we hereby call upon the Montenegrin Government to provide a permanent residence to this institution.

We regret the fact that some legal entities, which are also the users of this building, have opposed the setting of the rainbow flag and that some of them had a inappropriate communication with the building owners. We hope that their attitude towards LGBT rights will change in time.

LGBT persons are still not desirable in Montenegro. They are facing fascism and violence on a daily basis, in different places and occasions. LGBT persons are publicly declared to be unsuitable for carrying the Montenegrin state flag just because of their different sexual identity. The burning of the rainbow flag represents a message of intimidation of the LGBT persons and the obstruction of the activities related to the preparation of the first Pride Parade in Podgorica.  If it is impossible to point out the LGBT flag publicly, we must ask ourselves how it will be possible to prepare and conduct a dignified Pride Parade.

These are the everyday facts from the lives of the LGBT persons. Unfortunately these facts are different from those facts which our Government is showing and represent among the international community.

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I pored ogromnog napora Ombudsmana lično, Šućka Bakovića i njegove zamjenice Marijane Laković vlasnici poslovne zgrade, koju između ostalih koristi i institucija Zaštnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore, mišljenja su da postavljanje zastave više nije moguće iz bezbjednosnih razloga.

Od juče, pored znaka Zaštitnika, u holu, u unutrašnjosti zgrade, pored prijavne recepcije (vidjeti fotografije),  istaknuta je zastava LGBT zajednice. LGBT Forum Progres ocjenjuje da u datim okolnostima nije bilo moguće postići više.

Institucija Ombudsmana je i ovog je puta, za razliku od ostalih državnih organa, pokazala solidarnost sa LGBT osobama i izuzetnu posvećenost poštovanju svih ljudskih prava i konačnom uspostavljanju tolerancije u Crnoj Gori.

LGBT Forum Progres povodom ispoljenog truda kompletne institucije Ombudsmana upućuje zahvalnost i saopštava podršku LGBT zajednice njihovih naporima u sprovođenju antidiskriminatorne politike i prakse.

Zato što je Ombudsman ustavna kategorija, smatramo da institucija Ombudsmana zaslužuje sopstvenu zgradu i pozivamo crnogorsku Vladu da ovoj instituciji obezbijedi trajni prostor.

Žao nam je što su se neki pravni subjekti koji su korisnici zgrade protivili isticanju zastave duginih boja i što su tim povodom, neki od njih, imali i neprimjerenu komunikaciju sa vlasnicima zgrade. Ostaje da vjerujemo da će se vremenom popraviti njihov odnos prema LGBT pravima.

LGBT osobe još uvijek nijesu poželjne u Crnoj Gori. One su svakodnevno, na različitim mjestima i prilikama, suočene sa fašizmom i nasiljem. LGBT osobe javno se proglašavaju nedostojnim nošenja crnogorske državne zastave samo zato što su različitog seksualnog identiteta. Spaljivanje zastave predstavlja poruku zastrašivanja LGBT osoba i opstrukciju početnih aktivnosti  vezanih za pripremu prve Povorke ponosa.

Ako je nemoguće javno istaći LGBT zastavu postavlja se ozbiljno pitanje koliko je onda uopšte moguće u Crnoj Gori pripremiti i sprovesti bezbjednu i dostojanstvenu Povorku ponosa. Ovo su činjenice iz svakodnevnog života LGBT osoba. Na našu žalost drugačije su od onog što Vlada saopštava pred međunarodnom zajednicom.

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