Member of European Parliament (MEP) Ms. Ulrike Lunacek visited the LGBT shelter that operates under the „LGBT Forum Progress„, the first Montenegrin transparent LGBT group.

Članica Evropskog parlamenta (EP) gospođa Ulrike Lunaček posjetila je danas LGBT Sklonište koje funkcioniše u sklopu „LGBT Foruma Progres“, prve crnogorske transparentne LGBT grupe. 

Ms. Lunacek, through discussion with the executive director of „LGBT Forum Progress“ Zdravko Cimbaljević, met with the current effects of the existence and operation of the Shelter and expressed satisfaction that finally there is a safe space in Montenegro for acceptance and support of persons whom families  don’t give support just because of their sexual orientation or gender identity .

Ms. Lunacek emphasized the importance of continuous work of the LGBT Shelter and pointed out that she is happy about the positive announcement that the Montenegrin government will continue to give support and take financial responsibility.

Cimbaljević recalled that the Montenegrin government promised support to the LGBT Shelter since April 2011. During the visit to the Shelter MEP met with former Shelter resident whose living conditions and safety have greatly improved after staying at the Shelter.

LGBT Shelter was opened with support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands within the project „LGBT Support Center,“ which includes the work of providing counseling and psychosocial support to members of the LGBT population.

A representative of the LGBT Forum Progress has also met Ms Lunacek with some updates in Montenegro when it comes to respecting Human Rights of LGBT people as well as the current development of LGBT community.

Also MEP welcomed the Initiative for adoption of same-sex partnerships by the Ombudsman sent to the Montenegrin Parliament at the proposal of the LGBT Forum Progress.

Visit of the MEP was an opportunity to point out some other challenges that LGBT people are facing with as well as insufficient support from the Montenegrin government when it comes to empowering the LGBT community and increase its social visibility, inclusion and safety.

LGBT Forum Progress expressed its gratitude for the visit and recalled the consistent and strong support by Ms. Lunacek, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance and LGBT Intergroup who provides improvement and protection of Human Rights in this part of Europe. Especially important is their contribution and encouragement to the Montenegrin government to continue improving the rights of LGBT people.

 Gospođa Lunaček se kroz razgovor sa izvršnim direktorom „LGBT Foruma Progres“ Zdravkom Cimbaljevićem upoznala sa dosadašnjim efektima postojanja i rada Skloništa i izrazila zadovoljstvo što napokon i u Crnoj Gori postoji siguran prostor za prihvat i podršku osoba kojima porodica uskrati podršku zbog njihove seksualne orijentacije ili rodnog identiteta.

Gđa Lunaček je istakla važnost kontinuiranog nastavka rada LGBT Skloništa i istakla da je raduje najava crnogorske Vlade da će ubuduće preuzeti ovu odgovornost. Cimbaljević je podsjetio da crnogorska Vlada svoju podršku radu LGBT Skloništa obećava još od aprila 2011. godine.

Tokom posjete Skloništu članica EP susrela se i sa ranijim štićenicima Skloništa čije su životne prilike i sigurnost značajno poboljšane nakon boravka u Skloništu i pružanja svih predviđenih servisa.

LGBT Sklonište je otvoreno uz pomoć podrške Ambasade Kraljevine Holandije u sklopu projekta „LGBT Centar Podrške“ a koji podrazumijeva rad savjetovališta i pružanje psihosocijalne podrške pripadnicima LGBT populacije.

Predstavnik LGBT Foruma Progress je takođe upoznao gđu Lunaček sa aktuelnostima u Crnoj Gori kada je riječ o poštovanju ljudskih prava LGBT osoba kao i sa dosadašnjim razvojem LGBT zajednice.

Takođe poslanica EP je pozdravila inicijativu za usvajanje Zakona o istopolnom partnerstvu koju je Ombudsman uputio Skuštini Crne Gore na prijedlog LGBT Foruma Progres.

Posjeta poslanice EP  bila je i prilika da se ukaže na ostale izazove sa kojima se suočavaju LGBT osobe kao i na, još uvijek, nedovoljnu podršku crnogorskih vlasti kada je riječ o osnaživanju LGBT zajednice i povećanju njene socijalne vidljivosti, inkluzije i sigurnosti.

LGBT Forum Progres iskazao je zahvalnost na posjeti i podsjetio na dosljednu i snažnu podršku koju gđa Lunaček, Grupa zelenih i Parlamentarna LGBT intergrupa pružaju poboljšanju i zaštiti svih ljudskih prava u ovom dijelu Evrope. Posebno je važan njihov zajednički doprinos i ohrabrenje crnogorskoj Vladi da nastavi sa poboljšanjem prava LGBT osoba.

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