Deputy Minister of Health’s Primarius Dr Mensud Grbovic hosted today at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, in the presence of LGBT Forum Progress, the first two transgender people who will access the adjustment of their sex to their gender.

Pomoćnik ministra zdravlja primarijus dr Mensud Grbović primio je danas, u sjedištu Ministarstva zdravlja, u prisustvu predstavnika LGBT Foruma Progres, prve dvije transrodne osobe koje će pristupiti prilagođavanju pola svom rodu.

The reception took place so that the transgender persons would become directly acquainted with the functioning of the health system and the leading accent during the interview, was placed on building and maintaining trust of the transgender people in the health system and the protection of privacy, dignity and rights of all users of health services.

A system of communication and reception of the transgender people in health institutions has been agreed upon, so the access would be facilitated and accelerated and   made with the maximum of confidentiality. Contact person responsible for further communication with transgender people will be designated by the Department of Health and public health system. It was agreed to intensify work on the development of secondary legislation in order to further affirm the rights and treatment of the transgender people.

Deputy Minister of Health, given the experience and still underdeveloped domestic capacities of Health system supported the advocacy LGBT Forum Progress that, when necessary, the entire process of gender confirmation from psychiatric treatment through hormone therapy and surgical intervention of the change of sex, takes place in the regional health centers, primarily Belgrade, which is a world recognized address in this area.

Grbović is the first government official who officially met with the transgender persons who decided to start the gender confirmation and which are active in the national LGBT community. Before him, in October last year, Dr. Miodrag Radunovic, for the first time in the history of Montenegro of Health system, met with Zdravko Cimbaljevic, publicly declared LGBT activist. On the first, historic reception a mutual cooperation was agreed  and also the proposed changes to regulations that will allow better access  of the transgender people in the local health system.

A positive fact, today announced for the first time at the meeting, is that, from 2013. New codebook of the sexes will become effective which will provide additional choice regarding sexes. The new codes will make sexual declaration more free for those who does not fit the traditional concept of male or female, those who are sexually undecided and those who are in the process of gender confirmation.

Admission is a continuation of the dialogue between LGBT Forum Progress leads and the  health authorities in Montenegro with the purpose of preventing discrimination and improving access, care and treatment of citizens regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Five-member delegation of the LGBT Forum Progress, which among others consisted of two trans persons, who intend to start a gender confirmation today  met  with Marijana Lakovic, Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights and freedoms. She learned about the previous experiences and challenges of the transgender people and welcomed the progress that Montenegro achieved thanks to the quality communication of governmental institutions and civil society. She  also announced a strong commitment to of the institution of Ombudsman for further  acceptance and integration of LGBT people.

Prijem je upriličen da bi se transrodne osobe neposredno upoznale sa funkcionisanjem zdrastvenog sistema a vodeći akcenat, tokom razgovora, stavljen je na izgradnji i očuvanju povjerenja transrodnih osoba u zdravstveni sistem i zaštitu privatnosti, dostojanstva i prava svih korisnika zdravstvenih usluga.

Dogovoren je sistem komunikacije i prijema transrodnih osoba u zdrastvenim ustanovama kako bi se pristup olakšao i ubrzao i učinio maksimalno povjerljivim. U Ministarstvu zdravlja i javnim zdrastvenom sistemu biće imenovane kontakt osobe dodatno zadužene za komunikaciju sa transrodnim osobama. Dogovoreno je intenziviranje rada na izradi podzakonskim akata kako bi se dodatno afirmisala prava i tretman transrodnih osoba.

Pomoćnik ministra zdravlja, imajući u vidu iskustvo i još uvijek nedovoljno razvijene kapacitete domaćeg zdrastva podržao je zalaganje LGBT Foruma Progres da se, kada je to neophodno, kompletan proces rodne konfirmacije počev od psihijatrijskog tretmana, preko hormonske terapije do hiruške intervencije promjene pola, odvija u regionalni zdrastvenim centrima, prije svega Beogradu, koji je svjetski prepoznata adresa u ovoj oblasti.

Grbović je prvi vladin funkcioner koji je zvanično primio transrodne osobe koje su opredijeljene za početak rodne konfirmacije i koje su aktivne u nacionalnoj LGBT zajednici. Prije njega, oktobra prošle godine, dr Miodrag Radunović, po prvi put u istoriji crnogorskog zdrastva, primio je Zdravka Cimbaljevića, javno deklarisanog LGBT aktivistu. Na tom prvom, istorijskom prijemu, dogovorena je međusobna saradnja i najavljene izmjene propisa koje će omogućiti bolji pristup transrodnih osoba u domaćem zadrstvenom sistemu.

Pozitivna je činjenica, danas po prvi put objavljena na sastanku, da će od 2013. godine stupiti na snagu novi šifarnik polova koji će omogućiti i drugačija izjašnjenja u pogledu pola. Novim polnim šifarnikom omogućiće se slobodno izjašnjenje i onih kojima ne odgovara tradicionalni koncept muškog ili ženskog pola, onih koji su polno neopredijeljeni kao i onih koji su u procesu rodne konfirmacije.

Prijem predstavlja nastavak dijaloga koji LGBT forum Progres vodi sa zdrastvenim vlastima u Crnoj Gori u cilju prevencije diskriminacije i poboljšanja pristupa, liječenja i tretmana građana bez obzira na njihovu seksualnu orjentaciju i rodni identiret.

Petočlanu delegaciju LGBT Foruma Progres, u kojoj su se nalazile i dvije trans osobe, koje namjeravaju započeti rodnu konfirmaciju danas je primila i Marijana Laković, zamjenica Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda. Ona se upoznala sa dosadašnjim iskustvima i izazovima transrodnih osoba i pozdravila napredak koji je Crna Gora postigla zahvaljući kvalitetnoj komunikaciji vladinih institucija i civilnog društva. Ona je najavila i dalju snažnu posvećenost institucije Ombudsmana prihvatanju i integraciji LGBT osoba.


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