Nongovernmental organization LGBT Forum Progress received a request for legal aid and protection by its member of many years, regarding the case which lasted between September 2017 and January 2018. According to the young man, in the mentioned period he has faced continuous illegal imprisonment, sexual abuse, starvation and everyday death threats and abuse.

According to the young man, the case begins in September 2017, when the first contact happened with certain E.G. from Kosovo, via the social network „Facebook“. After the initial, pleasant communication, the young man agrees to have a date with E.G. in Podgorica. After they got acquainted and spent some time together, E.G. proposed to the young man to go to a field trip to Pec/Peja, Kosovo, in order to spend some more time together, and to get to know each other even better. After they took the trip, the situation took an almost unbelievable turn.

Namely, according to the young man, on the very road to Pec/Peja, E.G. physically assaulted him, forcing him to ingest pills of unknown content and origin. The young man lost his consciousness shortly after, and woke up the next day in an apartment in Pec/Peja, unknown to him. In this period, the perpetrator E.G. reveals+ed to him that the young man is in his imprisonment, and that he will have to do whatever is asked of him, under death threats. The young man was then transported to Djakovica/Gjakova, to a rented apartment, in which he was imprisoned and was forced to remain within the period of almost five months. During this period, E.G. regularly visited his victim, while physically and sexually abusing him, inflicting injuries with a knife in the chest and stomach area, all while starving him and denying his freedom of movement. According to the young man, E.G. also owned a gun, with which he threatened him, and he has also threatened him that he will drown him in a nearby river. The young man, aware of the severity of the situation, as well as the severity and the potential realization of the threats was forced to oblige, due to the fear of losing his own life.

In January 2018, as stated by the young man, according to the report made by the neighbors of the rented apartment, the Kosovo police force broke into the apartment and takes the young man to the police station in order to take a written report on the whole situation. However, the situation takes another, unbelievable twist, due to the fact that, as stated by the young man, once the police officers were in the process of taking the statement, when they realized that he was a member of the LGBTI community, they also have physically assaulted him. Four police officers inflicted physical trauma to the young man, while laughing, and have declined to register the report and consider the case itself. They have beaten the young mane by using open and closed (clenched) fists, and he received blows in the area of the head, abdomen and chest area.

After he left the police station, the young man used the opportunity to flee, and to return to Montenegro, where he asked the help of the nongovernmental organization LGBT Forum Progress. Legal and psycho-social aid were provided immediately and quality-based and thorough communication was established with the Montenegrin Police Directorate, through the contact police officer for the communication with the LGBTIQ community.

The President of LGBT Forum Progress, Bojana Jokic, stated: ”As one of the most severe and most demanding cases ever dealt by LGBT Forum Progress, the case has several elements and parts. The first, most obvious one, is the case of several combined criminal deeds, applicable both in Montenegro and Kosovo, which represent a serious breach of numerous internationally recognized documents such as the European Convention on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the Convention on the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It is an unbelievable fact that today, in the 21st century, we are facing obvious and serious examples of slavery. The second, equally important aspect of the case is an enormous problem of institutional homophobia, which is given on an example of the Kosovo police officers, which refused to protect the young man, and have additionally degraded him, and physically abused him due to his ethnic background and the fact that he is a member of the LGBTIQ community”.

LGBT Forum Progress is satisfied with the communication established with the Montenegrin Police directorate, which shared with us the fact that the case is being taken seriously, and that the communication with the Interpol has already been established, as well as they are working towards the resolution of the case and capturing of the perpetrator. LGBT Forum Progress will continue providing legal and psycho-social support to the young man, and will timely notify the Montenegrin public on the results of the police actions in this case.

Nevladinoj organizaciji LGBT Forum Progres obratio se njen dugogodišnji član iz Podgorice, sa zahtjevom za pružanjem pravne pomoći i zaštite, a povodom slučaja koji je trajao u periodu od septembra 2017. godine do januara 2018. godine. U pomenutom periodu mladić je, kako je naveo, trpio kontinuirano zatočeništvo, seksualno zlostavljanje, izgladnjavanje i svakodnevne prijetnje smrću.

Prema navodima mladića, slučaj počinje u septembru 2017. godine, kada se dogodio prvi kontakt sa izvjesnim E.G. sa Kosova, putem društvene mreže „Facebook“. Nakon inicijalne, prijatne komunikacije, mladić pristaje na sastanak sa E.G. u Podgorici. Poslije upoznavanja i provedenog zajedničkog vremena, E.G. predlaže mladiću da pođe sa njim na jednodnevni izlet do Peći, kako bi proveli još zajedničkog vremena i bolje se upoznali. Nakon odlaska na put, stvari zauzimaju gotovo nevjerovatan obrt.

Naime, kako mladić navodi, na samom putu do Peći, E.G. je fizički nasrnuo na mladića, tjerajući ga da proguta tablete njemu nepoznate sadržine. Mladić je ubrzo nakon toga izgubio svijest i probudio se sledećeg dana u njemu nepoznatom stanu u Peći. U ovom periodu, E.G. mu obznanjuje da je mladić tada u njegovom zatočeništvu i da će morati raditi sve što od njega bude traženo, pod prijetnjama smrću. Mladić je potom transportovan u Đakovicu, u iznajmljeni stan, u kojem je bio zatvoren i prinuđen da ostane u periodu od gotovo pet mjeseci. U toku ovog perioda, E.G. je posjećivao mladića, fizički i seksualno ga zlostavljajući, nanoseći mu povrede nožem u predjelu grudi, i stomaka, izgladnjavajući ga i uskraćujući mu pravo na slobodno kretanje. Prema navodima mladića, E.G. je posjedovao i pištolj kojim mu je prijetio, te mu je u više navrata prijetio da će ga udaviti u obližnjoj rijeci. Mladić, svjestan situacije u kojoj se nalazio, kao i ozbiljnosti i ostvarivosti prijetnji, bio je prinuđen da radi sve što mu se kaže iz straha za sopstveni život.

U januaru 2018. godine, kako mladić navodi, po prijavi komšija iz stana u kojem je bio zatočen, kosovska policija provaljuje u stan i odvodi mladića u policijsku stanicu na uzimanje izjave. Međutim, situacija doživljava još jedan obrt, jer, kako je mladić izjavio, policijski službenici, nakon uzimanja izjave od njega, shvativši da je isti pripadnik LGBTI zajednice, fizički nasrću na mladića. Četiri policajca su ga potom tukli podsmijevajući mu se, i odbili su da zaprime izjavu i da uzmu slučaj u razmatranje. Ovom prilikom su ga udarali zatvorenim i otvorenim pesnicama u predjelu glave, stomaka i grudnog koša.

Po izlasku iz policije, mladić napušta Kosovo i vraća se u Crnu Goru, gdje je tražio pomoć nevladine organizacije LGBT Forum Progres. Pravna i psiho-socijalna pomoć mu je pružena odmah i uspostavljena je kvalitetna i temeljna saradnja sa Upravom Policije, putem kontakt policijskog službenika za rad sa LGBTIQ zajednicom.

Predsjednica LGBT Forum Progresa, Bojana Jokić, navodi: „Kao jedan od najozbiljnijih i najzahtjevnijih slučajeva sa kojim je NVO LGBT Forum Progres imala prilike da se bavi, slučaj ima više elemenata i djelova. Prvi i najočigledniji je slučaj više kombinovanih krivičnih djela, važećih kako u Crnoj Gori kao i na Kosovu, koji predstavljaju ozbiljno kršenje više međunarodno priznatih dokumenata, kao što su Evropska konvencija o zaštiti ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda, te Konvencija o sprječavanju mučenja i nečovječnih ili ponižavajućih kazni ili postupaka. Nevjerovatna je činjenica da danas, u 21. vijeku, imamo očigledne i teške primjere ropstva.  Drugi, podjednako važan aspekt slučaja jeste izuzetno izražen problem institucionalne homofobije, koji vidimo na primjeru kosovskih policijskih službenika, koji su odbili da stanu u odbranu mladića, već su ga oni dodatno ponižavali i fizički nasrtali na njega uslijed njegove etničke pripadnosti kao i činjenice da je dio LGBTIQ zajednice.“

LGBT Forum Progres je zadovoljan ostvarenom komunikacijom sa crnogorskom Upravom policije, iz koje nam je saopšteno da je slučaj  ozbiljno shvaćen, da je ostvarena komunikacija sa Interpolom i da se na rješenju slučaja i privođenju počinilaca radi. LGBT Forum Progres nastaviće sa pružanjem pravne i psiho-socijalne podrške mladiću, te će blagovremeno obavijestiti crnogorsku javnost o rezultatima policijskih i istražnih radnji u ovom slučaju.

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