Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and LGBT Forum Progres strongly condemn this morning’s brutal attack on Danilo Marunovic, Todor Vujoševic and Mirko Boskovic. We require from the authorities to confirm legal purpose of the criminal sanctions in this particular case and to provide LGBT community and all persons, which through their work suport equality in Montenegro, life that they can live in safety and dignity.

Centar za građansko obrazovanje (CGO) i LGBT Forum Progres najoštrije osuđuju jutrošnji brutalni napad na Danila Marunovića, Todora Vujoševića i Mirka Boškovića i zahtijevaju od državnih organa da u konkretnom slučaju bude potvrđena zakonska svrha utvrđenih krivičnih sankcija a LGBT zajednici i svim osobama, koje kroz svoje stvaralaštvo, podržavaju ravnopravnost u Crnoj Gori bude omogućen siguran i dostojanstven život.

In the night of 9 and 10 September 2012, at Novaka Miloševa street in Podgorica, Danilo Marunovic, Todor Vujosevic and Mirko Boskovic were brutally beaten by a group of the sport fans named “Varvari” (Barbarians). On that occasion, they were returning from a concert held at the Festival Main Street Art, organized within the Podgorica Cultural Summer, in the street in front of the music school „Vaso Pavic“ and Blues bar.

Marunovic is the director of the video „We are a part of the team[1] Vujosevic is actor in the same video, while Boskovic, their friend, is journalist at RTCG.

During the concert „Varvari“, who had their own post at that venue, addressed them with seires of defamatory words and slenders. They also set fire the torch near the head of Vujosević. In their case, it caused a feeling of anxiety, but with the silence and absence of negative reactions they did everything to avoid conflict and incident.

It is questionable if all security measures, necessary for the safety of audience at the concerts, were taken in accordance with the law. Namely, at the spot there were no members of the security or police officers. Their presense and application of official actions, in line with the law, could have preventive effect and stop later brutal beating of three young men, by the same persons belonging to the „Varvari“ group, who were present at the concert through the engagement of the their post, since the three of them were under their constant threats and pressure.

After midnight, upon the end of the concert, Marunovic, Vujosevic and Boskovic went to the city square. On that occasion, at Novaka Miloseva street, they were brutally attacked by a group of ”Varvari”.

Boskovic, Marunovic and Vujosevic were beaten with fists and legs. Once they were knocked to the ground beating continued, mostly with legs. During the beating they cursed them and said that they will kill them and all the gays. When they saw Boskovic lying on the ground and severely bleeding they quickly drifted away, by running in rapid walk to the square, through a nearby parking.

Already injured Marunovic, Vujosevic and Boskovic managed to call a taxi and reach the Emergency Centre.  From there the police was called. In the Emergency Centre, they were identified serious body injuries, whose detail examination is still in progress.

LGBT Forum Progress and CCE assess this as the case that represents violence motivated by hate. The only guilty of victims is that they tried to contribute to the development of a culture of tolerance.

This violence sends a message of uncertainty to the LGBT community, as well as to all persons who support human rights in Montenegro and professionally are in contact with LGBT community. Therefore, we expect an effective conduct of all actions that would lead to the resolving of this incident and prosecution of all offenders of criminal acts.

Today, LGBT Forum Progress filed a charge to the Basic State Prosecutor in Podgorica against at least four, for now, unknown persons from „Varvari” group and an accomplice, with known identity, becaouse of reasonable suspicion that they committed several crimes – exposure to danger, injury, violation of equality and security threats.

Daliborka Uljarević, Executive director of CCE

Zdravko Cimbaljević, Executive director of the LGBT Forum Progress

[1] Video is produced within the joint project of the CCE and LGBT Forum Progress “It is OK to be different”, supported by the Canadian Embassy

U noći između 09. i 10. septembra 2012, u ulici Novaka Miloševa u Podgorici, brutalno su pretučeni od strane grupe navijača «Varvara» Danilo Marunović, Todor Vujošević i Mirko Bošković. Oni su se, tom prilikom, vraćali sa koncerta u okviru festivala Main Art Street, koji se održava u sklopu Podgoričkog kulturnog ljeta, u ulici ispred muzičke škole “Vaso Pavić” i Blues bara.

Marunović je reditelj spota «Mi smo dio ekipe»[1], Vujošević je glumac u istoimenom spotu dok je Bošković, njihov prijatelj, novinar RTCG.

Tokom trajanja koncerta njima je grupa navijača “Varvari”, koji su imali svoj štand na mjestu održavanja koncerta, uputila niz pogrdnih riječi i uvreda dok su Vujoševiću pored glave zapalili baklju. To je kod njih izazvalo osjećaj uznemirenosti, ali su svojim ćutanjem i odsustvom negativnih reakcija učinili sve da se izbjegne konflikt i incident.

Ostaje upitno da li su preduzete u skladu sa zakonom mjere obezbjeđenja svih osoba prisutnih na koncertu jer na licu mjesta nije bilo pripadnika policije niti zaštitara. Njihovo prisustvo i preduzimanje službenih radnji, u skladu sa zakonom, moglo je preventivno uticati i spriječiti da se desi kasnije brutalno prebijanje trojice mladića od strane istih osoba, iz navijačke grupe “Varvari”, koji su bili prisutni na koncertu kroz angažman na štandu jer su njih trojica bili pod njihovim konstantnim prijatnjama i pritiskom.

Iza ponoći, pošto je koncert okončan, Marunović, Vujošević i Bošković uputili su se prema trgu, i tom prilikom su u ulici Novaka Miloševa bili mučki napadnuti od strane navijačke grupe “Varvari”.

Boškovića, Marunovića i Vujoševića su tukli pesnicama i nogama a pošto su ih oborili na zemlju nastavili su da ih biju uglavnom nogama. Tokom udaraca su ih psovali i govorili da će njih ubiti i pobiti sve pedere. Kad su vidjeli da Bošković leži na zemlji i obilno krvari brzo su se udaljili, trčeći ubrzanim hodom, prema trgu, preko obližnjeg parkinga.

Povrijeđeni Marunović, Vujošević i Bošković uspjeli su pozvati taksi i otići u Urgentni centar odakle je pozvana i policija. U Urgentnom centru su im konstatovane tjelesne povrede čije je ispitivanje i dalje u toku.

LGBT Forum progres i CGO cijene da je jasno da se radi o nasilju iz mržnje, u kojem je jedina krivica žrtava što su svojim profesionalnim radom pokušali pomoći razvoj kulture tolerancije.

Današnje nasilje šalje poruku nesigurnosti LGBT zajednici, ali i svim osobama koji podržavaju ljudska prava u Crnoj Gori i profesionalno su u kontaktu sa njom. Zato očekujemo efikasno preduzimanje svih radnji kako bi incident bio rasvijetljen i svi izvršioci krivičnih djela adekvatno precesuirani.

LGBT Forum Progres podnio je danas Osnovnom državnom tužiocu u Podgorici prijavu protiv najmanje četiri, za sada, nepoznate osobe iz navijačke grupe „Varvari“ i jednog saučesnika, sa poznatim identitetom, zbog osnovane sumnje da su izvršili više krivičnih djela – izlaganje opasnosti, nanošenje povreda, povreda ravnopravnosti i ugrožavanje sigurnosti.

Daliborka Uljarević, izvršna direktorka CGO-a

Zdravko Cimbaljević, izvršni direktor LGBT Forum Progres

[1] Spot je produciran o okviru zajedničkog projekta CGO-a i LGBT Forum Progres «U redu je drugačiji», koji je podržala Kanadska ambasada

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