As of today, first December of 2011,the first shelter for people who are in conflict with their families because of their sexual orientation and gender identity becomes operative.

Od danas, 1. decembra 2011. godine, zvanično počinje sa radom prvo sklonište za osobe koje su u konfliktu sa svojom porodicom zbog svoje seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta.The shelter was opened as part of the „LGBT support center“ which is being implemented under the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands and includes the work of counseling and providing of psychosocial support to the LGBT population.

Temporary shelter should ensure the provision of transitional support in the first outing of LGBT people in Montenegro, especially in front of their families, and to take them, as soon as possible out of the uncertainty and the position of the victim and also to contribute to strengthening of the confidence and reducing violence.

The shelter already has it’s first beneficiary. It is a 19-year-old lesbian from Podgorica whose parents have denied her home because they realized that their efforts to change her sexual orientation are in vain. This beneficiary of the shelter has for a year, at the request of parents, regularly visited psychiatric treatment. Pressure and opposition from parents intensified last week as they found out  she has a partner. Young lesbian, after the visit of two police officers, left the family home.

LGBT Forum Progress expects, according to the announcement and the promise of the Government, upon receipt of the Deputy Prime Minister in April this year, the work of this shelter  in 2012 will be supported by Ministry for Human and Minority Rights.


Sklonište je otvoreno u sklopu projekta „LGBT centar podrške“ koji se realizuje pod podrškom Ambasade Kraljevine Holandije i podrazumijeva rad savjetovališta i pružanje psihosocijalne podrške pripadnicima LGBT populacije.

Privremeno sklonište treba da obezbijedi pružanje prve tranzicione podrške pri outovanju LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori, posebno pred njihovim porodicama, i da ih što prije izvede iz nesigurnosti i položaja žrtve ali i da doprinese jačanju samopouzdanja i smanjivanju nasilja.

U skloništu je već prva korisnica. Riječ je o 19-godišnjoj lezbejki iz Podgorice kojoj su roditelji uskratili krov nad glavom pošto su shvatili da su njihovi napori da joj promijene seksualnu orjentaciju uzaludni. Korisnica skloništa je godinu dana, po zahtjevu roditelja, redovno posjećivala psihijatrijske tretmane. Pritisak i protivljenje roditelja se prošle sedmice pojačao pošto su saznali da ima partnerku. Mlada lezbejka je, nakon posjete dvojice policijskih službenika, napustila porodičnu kuću.

LGBT Forum Progres očekuje da će, shodno najavi i obećanju Vlade, prilikom prijema kod potpredsjednika Vlade u aprilu ove godine, rad ovog skloništa dobiti u 2012. podršku Ministarstva za ljudska i manjinska prava.


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