imagesThe nongovernmental organization „LGBT Forum Progress“ salutes and supports the todays session of the Social council, where one of the topics, among others was dedicated to the discrimination of LGBT persons.

imagesPredstavljeno prvo istraživanje o diskriminaciji LGBT osoba na trzistu rada

Nevladina organizacija “LGBT Forum Progres” pozdravila je i podržala današnje zasijedanje Socijalnog savjeta čija je jedna od tema, između ostalih, bila posvećena i diskriminaciji LGBT osoba.  

It is a historically important fact which is in line with the proposals of LGBT persons initiated with the Government, to open a discussion on the discrimination of LGBT persons in the labor market.

The readiness of all of the social partners to open a discussion on this subject, especially within the context of the presence of numerous other socio-economic issues and social priorities, is extremely significant for LGBT Forum Progress. We are grateful for it and it does represent a strong and visible contribution to the process of social acceptance of LGBT persons.

The members of the Social council became familiar with the treatment of certain LGBT persons in the labor market. On this subject, 29 year old M.F. openly spoke, urging the social partners to grant more attention to the LGBT community, bettering of the work conditions and hiring of the LGBT persons.

Executive director of LGBT Forum Progress Stevan Milivojevic has, before the members of the Council, presented a research „Discrimination of LGBT persons in the labor market“ which was , in a period of 5th to 20th of October conducted within 30, higher educated LGBT persons, with the support and help of the LGBT center.

Danijel Kalezic, the president of the Montenegrin LGBTIQ Association Queer Montenegro, also attended the session, and actively participated in behalf of the LGBT community.

The president and the Council members expressed their worries regarding the results of the research. On this occasion, an internal discussion took place. The representatives of the trade union organizations have shown a high degree of sensibility for this topic. The representatives of the trade union organizations expressed the willingness for establishing a more close cooperation woth the LGBT movement.

It is especially important that the Social council discussed the functioning of the LGBT Shelter ( which was closed on September 1st 2014). Several council members actively participated in the discussion. They have asked of the state to help this social service. The president of the Council, who is also the Minister of Labor and social welfare, felt that this matter was directed to him, and he confirmed that this topic is under his authority. He explicitly said that he was ready to help the sustainability and the functioning of the LGBT Shelter.  As asked, we have already addressed the adequate letter on this occasion. Your support and interest for this subject would be of great help and significance. It is maybe the the unique opportunity, for all of us together, to try to save and reactivate the key social service intended to the LGBT community.

To je istorijski važna činjenica koja je u skladu i s predlozima LGBT zajednice koja je inicirala kod Vlade Crne Gore da se na Socijalnom savjetu diskutuje o diskriminaciji LGBT osoba na tržištu rada.

Spremnost svih socijalnih partnera da otvore razgovor o ovoj temi, posebno u kontekstu postojanja brojnih drugih socijalno-ekonomskih pitanja i društvenih prioriteta, za LGBT Forum Progres je veoma značajna, zahvalni smo na tome i predstavlja snažan i vidljiv doprinos procesu društvenog prihvatanja LGBT osoba.

Članovi  Socijalnog Savjeta su se upoznali sa tretmanom pojedinih LGBT osoba na tržištu rada. O tome je neposredno i otvoreno govorio 29-godišnji M.F.koji je na socijalne partnere apelovao da se posveti veća pažnja LGBT zajednici, poboljšaju uslovima rada i zapošljavanja LGBT osoba.

Izvršni direktor LGBT Foruma Progres Stevan Milivojević pred članovima Savjeta je predstavio istraživanje “Diskriminacija LGBT osoba na tržištu rada” koje je u u periodu od 5. do 20. oktobra realizovano kod 30 visokoobrazovanih LGBT osoba uz podršku i pomoć “LGBTIQ Socijalnog Centra”.

Svim članovima Socijalnog savjeta “LGBT Forum Progres” je uručio svoja izdanja – primjerke knjiga “Zastupanje slučajeva diskriminacije po osnovu seksualne orjentacije u Crnoj Gori: Od načela do prakse” autori Marijana Laković Drašković i Aleksandar Saša Zeković i “Mitovi i stereotipi – Nasilje i govor mržnje prema LGBT osobama: Policijska i pravosudna praksa u Crnoj Gori”, autori Aleksandar Saša Zeković, Jovan Kojičić i Predrag Tomović.

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