At the occasion of opening of the conference on LGBT rights “Towards Justice – Towards Equality”, which has so far resulted only with the most massive boycott from Montenegrin’s NGOs dedicated to human rights and followed with expressed solidarity for our demands from the region, EU and further, Deputy Prime Minister Dusko Markovic stated number of unfounded allegations and remarks.Prilikom otvaranja konferencije o LGBT pravima „Ka pravdi – ka jednakosti“, koja je za sada rezultirala samo najmasovnijim bojkotom NVO u Crnoj Gori posvećenim ljudskim pravima, i najvećom izraženom solidarnošću za naše zahtjeve iz regiona, EU i šire, potpredsjednik Vlade Duško Marković je iznio niz neutemeljenih navoda i ocjena. Contrary to Markovic and the others, we shall use the language of facts, not the language of emotions.

  • LGBT Forum Progress was forced to postpone Pride in Podgorica due to the lack of political support and non-appointment of the representative of the Government in the Organisational Board only 4 days before the scheduled event. In addition,  the Government opted for appointment of civil servants that was not in line with our request since we insisted at the representation at the political level. There wasn’t even a reply to the demand that a high Governmental official should join in the Pride event, addressing the participants on behalf of the Government.
  • Data and conditins of the organisation of Pride and two key preconditions – safety and genuine political support – were defined by Dr Jovan Kojicic, who was at the time significantly directing the activities of Progress, and who is nowaays adviser in the Government.  Date for the event was, by Kojicic’s advice, linked with the international event he was organising at the time in Belgrade.
  • Even though the organisation of the Pride is exceptionally demanding, we took it very responsibly, with assistance and support from Montenegrin NGOs and individuals. We were prepared for the event itself and for the confirmed guests. We were realistic about the number of participants and we publically announced that we expected around 100-150 participants, out of which half would be from our population.
  • Markovic is right when he says that the LGBT community in Montenegro is not developed. As a politician and former chief of the secret and political police, he should have seen in this his own responsibility as well, not just the one of the LGBT population living in the conditions of daily discrimination. That comment, apart from being contradictory to some of his other statements, is not serious or helpful. Obviously, Markovic forgets, or he just chooses to ignore the fact that the Government refused to help the visibility of that same community by not supporting the shelter for LGBT people whose families rejected them and denied roof over their heads.
  • The priority for the Government was to organise a gathering in Danilovgrad, and to spend on the opening ceremony, one working day and one excursion of the participants 20.000 EUR of Montenegrin’s tax payers, plus further 10.000 EUR of the Duch tax payer’s money, obtained through the newly organised Governmental NGO. We still do not know what is the concrete benefit of this expensive performance for the LGBT population in Montenegro.

For many of the international stakeholders Markovic could taken as the ‘democratic motor’ and a barrier for the return of the old master. But he can gain my personal and the LGBT population’s trust only by fair relation that is characterised with the respect and not with the undermining or ordering attitude. I refuse to say that something is positive when it’s negative, that something is expression of political will when it is a blatant marketing, or to say that I understand when I don’t understand the actions of this Government.

In the democratic world, the professionals nurture the culture of reply and honouring the agreement. In my experience so far, Markovic is not familiar with those values. That is why we didn’t have the Pride. That is why there was no local LGBT population at the conference that the Government organised with its overnight formed NGO, through legally questionable procedure and with no credibility within the LGBT community. Even then, I am aware of where I live.

I repeat to Deputy Prime Minister Markovic, that I will never refuse an invitation for dialogue and cooperation, if he is prepared to show a correct approach through specific actions, that he respects us as a population and as full members of the civil society.

I have nothing against, if that is more acceptable to the Government, that the practically non-existent NGO “Justice in the Balkans: Equality for the Sexual Minorities”, that is today 20 days old and it’s already the only credible partner of the Montenegrin Government, organises the Pride in Podgorica. I will come to that gathering and walk around with the beautifully coloured rainbow flag and greet Markovic, or any other reformer that in political capacity stands behind protection and affirmation of LGBT population.

Institutional and technical support, as it is called by the officials like Markovic, is nothing else but constitutional and international obligation of the State to protect any peaceful gathering of its citizens. Even if the whole Montenegrin Government thinks and acts like its member in charge of the Human Rights, it has a sole responsibility to engage all of its capacities in order to guarantee the LGBT population peaceful and safe gatherings. This is well known to the participants of the Conference, and I have no doubts that they don’t approve some of the official’s speeches.

Zdravko Cimbaljevic
Executive director of the LGBT Forum Progress Za razliku od Markovića i drugih, mi ćemo govoriti jezikom činjenica, a ne emocija.

  • LGBT Forum Progres bio je primoran odložiti održavanje Povorke ponosa u Podgorici zbog nedostatka političke podrške i imenovanja predstavnika Vlade u Organizacioni odbor Povorke samo četiri dana prije samog događaja. Osim toga, Vlada se opredijelila za imenovanje državnih službenika koji nijesu bili na traženom političkom nivou. Iz Vlade nije ni odgovoreno na zahtjev da njen visoki zvaničnik bude dio Povorke i u ime Vlade obrati se njenim učesnicima.
  • Datum i uslove održavanja Povorke i dva ključna preduslova – bezbjednost i suštinska politička podrška – utvrdio je dr Jovan Kojičić, sada vladin savjetnik, koji je u tom periodu značajno usmjeravao aktivnosti Progresa. Datum je po savjetu Kojičića bio vezan za međunarodni događaj koji je u tom periodu on organizovao u Beogradu.
  • Iako je organizacija Povorke izuzetno zahtjevna mi smo se, uz podršku nevladinih organizacija i aktivista iz Crne Gore, prema tome jako odgovorno odnijeli. Bili smo spremni za događaj i prijem najavljenih gostiju. Nijesmo se zanosili velikim brojem učesnika. Zvanično smo saopštili da očekujemo između 100-150 učesnika, od čega bi polovina bili pripadnici naše populacije.
  • Marković je u pravu da scena u Crnoj Gori nije razvijena. U tome bi trebao vidjeti i svoju odgovornost, kao političar i bivši direktor tajne i političke policije, a ne LGBT populacije koja živi u uslovima svakodnevne diskriminacije. To nije ozbiljna ni dobra poruka, a kontradiktorna je i nekim drugim njegovim izjavama. Marković očito zaboravlja ili ne želi da se zna da je Vlada odbila da pomogne vidljivost zajednice kroz funkciju skloništa za LGBT osobe kojima su porodice uskratile podršku i krov nad glavom.
  • Vladin prioritet bio je da organizuje skup u Danilogradu i da na ceremoniju otvaranja, jednog radnog dana i jednog dana izleta za sve učesnike potroši 20.000 eura novca poreskih obveznika Crne Gore plus da uz pomoć tek osnovane vladine NVO dobije i 10.000 eura novca holandskih poreskih obveznika. Mi i dalje ne znamo što je konkretna korist takvog skupog performansa za LGBT populaciju u Crnoj Gori.

Možda je za mnoge međunarodne sagovornike Marković „demokratska lokomotiva“ i brana navodnom povratku starog gospodara. Ali, povjerenje LGBT zajednice i mene lično jedino se može pridobiti korektnim odnosom koji uvažava a ne potcjenjuje ili naređuje. Ne pristajem da kažem da je nešto pozitivno kada je negativno, da je manifestovanje političke volje kada je puki marketing, ili da kažem da razumijem kada ne razumijem postupke ove Vlade.

U demokratskom svijetu profesionalci njeguju kulturu odgovora i poštovanje dogovora. Moje iskustvo za sada govori da je Markoviću to strano. Zato i nema Povorke. Zato i nije bilo domaće LGBT zajednice na konferenciji koju Vlada organizuje sa svojom, preko noći formiranom NVO u vrlo upitnoj zakonskoj proceduri a bez ikakvog legitimiteta u zajednici.

I pored toga svjestan sam gdje živim. Ponovo poručujem potpredsjedniku Markoviću da nikad neću odbiti poziv za dijalog i saradnju, ako je spreman da pokaže korektan pristup, kroz konkretne akcije, koji nas kao populaciju i kao dio civilnog društva uvažava.

Nemam ništa protiv, ako je za Vladu prihvatljivije, da praktično nepostojeća NVO „Pravda na Balkanu: Jednakost za seksualne manjine“, kojoj je danas 20 dan od registrovanja, a već je jedini kredibilni partner države Crne Gore, organizuje Povorku ponosa u Podgorici. Ja ću na taj skup doći, šetati sa zastavom predivnih duginih boja i pozdraviti Markovića ili bilo kojeg drugog reformatora koji u svojstvu političara stane u zaštitu i promociju prava LGBT zajednice.

Institucionalna i tehnička podrška, kako je zovu zvaničnici poput Markovića, nije ništa drugo do ustavna i međunarodna obaveza države da zaštiti svako mirno okupljanje. Čak i da kompletna crnogorska Vlada razmišlja i radi kao njen član zadužen za resor ljudskih prava ona je dužna angažovati sve svoje kapacitete kako bi jednoj LGBT grupi garantovala mirno i bezbjedno okupljanje. Ovo je poznato učesnicima konferencije i ne sumnjam da ne odobravaju govore pojedinih zvaničnika.

Zdravko Cimbaljević
izvršni direktor LGBT Foruma Progres

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