The rainbow flag which represents the official and universal mark of the LGBT community and of all of the LGBT movements in the world, which was set on the mast of the building in which the headquarters of the Protector of the Human Rights and Freedoms are situated, was set on fire by, at this moment, unknown perpetrators.

Zastava duginih boja koja predstavlja zvanično univerzalno obilježje LGBT zajednice i svih LGBT pokreta u svijetu, koja je bila postavljena na jarbolu zgrade u kojoj je sjedište insitucije Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i slobodna Crne Gore (Ombudsman), zapaljena je prošle noći od strane, za sada, nepoznatih osoba.

Last week, during the official reception of the executive director of the LGBT Forum Progress, Zdravko Cimbaljevic  at the offices Ombudsman Sucko Bakovic and his deputy Marijana Lakovic, an initiative of the LGBT Forum Progress was accepted, that the rainbow flag would be put on the official building so it would represent a way of support of this institution to the celebrating of the Pride Month.

Setting the flag on fire represents another manifestation of hatred and intolerance towards the LGBT persons and community. This act is additionally worrying, from the aspect of overall security, considering the fact that the setting of the flag has been publicly announced  and executed as a part of the beginning of the preparation for the holding of the first Pride Parade.

LGBT Forum Progress demands that the Police Directorate identifies and persecutes the persons responsible for this inappropriate act.

Identifying of the perpetrators will confirm the existing of the professional will and the real image of the capacities of the Montenegrin police.

The attitude of the state towards this incident is the indicator of the overall relations and of the treatment of the LGBT community in Montenegro.


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Prošle sedmice, prilikom prijema direktora LGBT Foruma Progres Zdravka Cimbaljevića kod Ombudsmana Šućka Bakovića i zamjenice Marijane Laković prihvaćena je inicijativa LGBT Foruma Progres da na službenoj zgradi bude istaknuta zastava duginih boja kao vid podrške ove institucije obilježavanju Prajd mjeseca.

Službenici insitucije ombudsmana kontaktirali su policiju koja je odmah izašla na lice mjesta i uviđaj je u toku.

Spaljivanje zastave predstavlja još jednu manifestaciju mržnje i netolerancije prema LGBT osobama i LGBT zajednici. Ovaj postupak dodatno zabrinjava, sa aspekta ukupne bezbjednosti, iz razloga što je postavljanje zastave, javno najavljeno i izvršeno kao dio početka priprema za održavanje prve Povorke ponosa.

LGBT Forum Progres zahtijeva od Uprave policije da identifikuje i procesuira osobe odgovorne za ovaj neprimjeren postupak.

Identifikovanje počinilaca potvrdiće postojanje profesionalne volje i stvarnu sliku o kapacitetima crnogorske policije.

Odnos države prema ovom incidentu je i indikator ukupnog odnosa i tretmana LGBT zajednice u Crnoj Gori.

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