LGBT Forum Progress, the only Montenegrin transparent LGBT organization, this year also  supported Pride which was held in Split.

LGBT Forum Progres, jedina crnogorska transparentna LGBT organizacija, podržala je i ovogodišnji Prajd održan danas u Splitu. 

Representatives of the LGBT Forum Progress participated in Pride march on the streets of Old Town and the Split waterfront. Zdravko Cimbaljevic,executive  director of the LGBT Forum Progress, this year also led the Split Pride, visibly wearing crossed rainbow flag, the flag of the LGBT community and the Montenegrin state flag.

In his addressing to the participants of the Pride,Cimbaljevic passed greetings to Split and the Croatian people from anti-fascist  Montenegro, congratulated his colleagues in the Croatian LGBT movement on a consistent struggle, and the Croatian government to unequivocal support, as in organization as well as with  immediate presence of a considerable number of figures from the state leadership.


Cimbaljevic immediately congratulated on their professional approach of police, the Croatian Minister of Internal Affairs Ranko Ostojic, who was also one of the participants in the Pride march. At the end of the speech Cimbaljevic invited all the present to come to Pride in Podgorica, which is expected in June 2013th.

LGBT Forum Progress estimates that Split Pride finally succeeded because it was provided with a professional approach of police, support and presence of the government officials as their presence was recognised to be of key importance for successful and peaceful gathering. Considering today’s happening in Split, Croatia as a new member of the EU has reason to be proud and satisfied.

Political support and presence are key to the success of the first Pride parade in Podgorica.

Next you can wach video and photo album from Split Pride

Speech of Executive Director Zdravko Cimbaljevic.




Photo galery from Split Pride 2012


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Predstavnici/ce LGBT Foruma Progres učestvovali su u Prajd šetnji ulicama Starog grada i splitskom rivom.

Zdravko Cimbaljević, direktor LGBT Foruma Progres, i ove je godine predvodio Splitski prajd, vidno noseći, ukrštene, zastavu duginih boja, zastavu LGBT zajednice i crnogorsku državnu zastavu.

U obraćanju učesnicima/cama Prajda Cimbaljević je Splitu i Hrvatskoj prenio pozdrave antifašističke Crne Gore, čestitao kolegama u hrvatskom LGBT pokretu na dosljednoj borbi, a hrvatskoj vladi na nedvosmilenoj podršci, kako u organizaciji tako i neposrednim prisustvom značajnog broja linosti iz državnog vrha.




Cimbaljević je neposredno čestitao na profesionalnom pristupu policije hrvatskom ministru unutrašnjih poslova Ranku Ostojiću koji je bio takođe jedan od učesnika Prajd šetnje. Na kraju govora Cimbaljević je prisutne pozvao na podgorički prajd koji se očekuje 2013.

LGBT Forum Progres ocjenjuje da je Splistki prajd napokon uspio zato što je obezbijeđen profesionalni pristup policije, podrška i prisustvo državnog vrha što je poslalo ključne poruke ozbiljnosti i sugurnosti. Zbog ovog danas što se desilo u Splitu Hrvatska kao nova članica EU ima razloga biti ponosna i zadovoljna. Politička podrška i prisutsvo ključni su za uspjeh prve podgoričke povorke ponosa.






U nastavku je video govora kao i foto album fotografija sa današnjeg Split Prajda.



Foto galerija


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