ukraine_hate_attackOn Sunday, October 26th 2014, in a convenience store “Helada” in Tivat, a member of the LGBT organization “LGBT Forum Progress”, from Tivat, was physically attacked.

ukraine_hate_attackU nedjelju, 26. oktobra 2014. godine, u marketu “Helada” u Tivtu napadnut je član nevladine organizacije “LGBT Forum Progres”.

He entered in the aforementioned convenience store, in the vicinity of the Kalimanj marina, with the intention to do grocery shopping. During his payment on the cash register, an unknown person, without any reason approached him, and started swearing and cursing. Among other words, the person told him the following: “You faggot, look at how you are dressed, how are you not embarrassed?.”

The community member remains calm and reacted neutrally, with the intention to prevent further conflict and potential physical attack.

The unknown person afterwards left the store, but has returned after a few minutes, and with a raised voice, yelling, told the member of the “LGBT Forum Progress” to leave the premises of the store. This person was followed by two friends, which have, during the time of the incident, waited in front of the store.

Since the member of LGBT Forum Progress did not go out of the store, the unknown attacker pushed him with his hand, violently in the area of his head. He addressed him at that point with the words “You faggot, what kind of tattoos are those, you Muslim”. The member of the “LGBT Forum Progress” has a tattoo done in his chest area written in Arabic. The hit, in the head area, caused the hat and the eyeglasses of the community member to fall on the floor.

The LGBT community member, still trying to avoid broader conflict and heavier consequences, just told the perpetrator to leave him alone, and he asked of the cashier to call the police. While exiting out of the store, the perpetrator kicked him with his foot, in the area of his back. The victim tried to reach the police by calling 122 but no one responded the call.

As earlier, before and after the Pride Parades, the violence and pressure towards LBGT persons is escalating and in the field of wider social acceptance of LGBT persons there is no progress.

“LGBT Forum Progress” has submitted an adequate criminal report in the grounds of endangerment of safety and the violation of equality to the Police directorate and the state Prosecutor in charge, according to this physical attack.

It is extremely important to confirm the capacities and the dedication of the police through this case, to protect the LGBT community and its credibility and to confirm the importance of the law enforcement. The initial reaction of the Montenegrin police, after informing them about the case have been so far satisfying. The victim is currently at the police station Tivat, providing a statement on the incident.

On je ušao u navedeni market, u blizini marine Kalimanj, sa namjerom da trguje namirnice. Tokom plaćanja na kasi, prišla mu je nepoznata osoba koja ga je bez povoda, vrijeđala i psovala. Između ostalih, uputila mu je i ove riječi: “Pederu jedan, zašto si se nakinđurio, pogledaj se kakav si i kako te nije sramota”.

Član LGBT zajednice je na ove prozivke i vrijeđanja odreagovao neutralno, s namjerom da se izbjegne dalji konflikt i potencijalni fizički napad.

Nepoznato osoba je potom napustila market ali se svega nakon nekoliko trenutaka vratila, i povišenim tonom, vičući, naredila članu “LGBT Foruma Progres” da napusti objekat. Ova osoba je bila u pratnji dva prijatelja koji su tokom vremena incidenta čekali ispred samog marketa.

Kako clan LGBT zajednice, nije izašao iz marketa nepoznati napadač ga je rukom uhvatio za predio glave i nasilno gurao. Tada mu se obratio ovim riječima: “Pederčino jedna, kakve su ti to tetovaže, muslimanu jedan”. Član “LGBT Foruma Progres” ima urađenu tetovažu na grudima napisanu arapskim slovima. Prilikom udarca u predjelu glave, naočare i šešir clana LGBT zajednice, pale su na pod. On je i dalje pokušavajući da izbjegne širi konflikt i teže posledice, samo je rekao nepoznatom licu da ga ostavi na miru, i zamolio kasirku da pozove policiju. Prilikom izlaska iz samog marketa, napadač ga je šutnuo nogom u predjelu leđa. Žrtva je pet puta pokušala da pozive policije na broj 112 ali niko nije odgovarao na poziv.

Kao i ranije, uoči i nakon Povorki ponosa, intenzivno se pojačava nasilje i pritisak prema LGBT osobama a na polju šireg društevnog prihvatanja LGBT osoba nema nikakvog napretka.

“LGBT Forum Progres” povodom fizičkog napada, ugrožavanja bezbijednosti i povrede ravnopravnosti, podnio je odgovarajuću krivičnu prijavu Upravi policije i nadležnom državnom tužiocu.

Izuzetno je važno da se kroz ovaj slučaj potvrde kapaciteti i riješenost policije da zaštiti LGBT zajednicu i njen kredibilitet i važnost u sprovođenju pravde.

Pocetne reakcije vrha crnogorske policije, po obavjestenju o slucaju, su zadovoljavajuce. Zrtva je trenutno u policijskoj stanici u Tivtu i u toku je uzimanje izjave.

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