memoriam elmir

It is with great sadness and pain in our hearts that we say goodbye to our colleague and dear friend Elmir Djokovic, who passed away yesterday in Podgorica, after a short and difficult illness.

We lost a wonderful colleague and friend, whose dear face, positive spirit, and kindness will always stay with us. We will remember him as a dedicated and tireless human rights defender, extraordinary author and intellectual, and a kind of father figure to many young LGBT people in Montenegro.

Dear Elmir, thank you for being an irreplaceable part of our team for more than six years, and thank you for everything you taught us and the life experience you shared with us.

Rest in peace dear friend.

Team of LGBT Forum Progress.

memoriam elmir

Sa velikom tugom i bolom u srcima se opraštamo od našeg kolege i dragog prijatelja Elmira Đokovića, koji je preminuo juče u Podgorici nakon kratke i teške bolesti.

Otišao je divan kolega i prijatelj, čiji će dragi lik, izuzetan duh i dobrota ostati zauvijek sa nama. Pamtićemo ga kao predanog i neumornog borca za ljudska prava, vrsnog autora i intelektualca, te svojevrsnu očinsku figuru mnogim mladim LGBT osobama u Crnoj Gori.

Dragi Elmire, hvala što si bio nezamjenjiv dio našeg kolektiva više od šest godina i hvala na svemu što si nas naučio i životnom iskustvu koje si dijelio sa nama.

Počivaj u miru i neka ti je laka crna zemlja.

Tim LGBT Forum Progresa

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