LGBT Forum Progress, the first transparent LGBT organization in Montenegro, on the March 2011, declared and incorporated in its program activities the organization of the first Montenegrin Pride parade. The first Pride has been delayed because of the lack of political will and because of security issues.

From that moment the LGBT Forum Progress became aware of the significance of the partnership with all the institutions of the system, and we became fully committed to the capacity building, as well as the building of trust and the development of the LGBT community.
The Organizing Committee for the organization of Pride exists, orderly and efficient in its functioning. Its key activities this year are intensive police training, working with the police to prepare such a risk event, building trust and intensive consultations with the LGBT community in relation to its true needs.
We believe that certain statements in connection with the organization of Pride assess are unfair and not in the spirit of good partnership. Such relation has not been recorded in the Montenegrin civil society.
LGBT Forum Progress cherishes the values of civil society and acts correctly, fairly and with respect to everyone else’s past work.
LGBT Forum Progress will share the partnership of this historically important event with all the benevolent subjects and individuals as we have done so far in all of its program activities.
LGBT Forum Progress will continue the consultations the LGBT community and other organizations that gather or work with LGBT people. This means that we will unreservedly establish contact with the Queer Montenegro and Juventas and seek necessary clarifications.
We believe that this year there are no conditions for the Pride organization and that it is primarily caused by the needs and priorities of the LGBT community, its capacity and the visibility. In addition, we have to continue to work on the social acceptance of LGBT people and the development of systemic capacities.
Political support from the Montenegrin government and the political elite is no longer controversial. It exists, it is a strong and transparent. We will be happy to organize this event with all of those who do not care for self commercialization, marketing campaigns, or doing harm to anyone.
LGBT Forum Progres njeguje vrijednosti civilnog društva i korektno se i pošteno i sa uvažavanjem odnosi prema svačijem tuđem minulom radu.