Dear all,
we would like to inform you that the main office of LGBT Forum Progress will be closed between 28/12/2016 and 08/01/2017, due to the collective vacation. In case of need, you can contact us on Facebook, or via email: [email protected].
See you in 2017. Management of LGBT Forum Progress.Dragi/e svi/e,
obavještavamo vas da će kancelarija LGBT Foruma Progres biti zatvorena u periodu od 28/12/2016 do 08/01/2017 godine, zbog kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora. U slučaju da bude neophodno, možete nas kontaktirati na Facebook-u ili putem emaila: [email protected].
Vidimo se u 2017. Menadžment LGBT Foruma Progres.

LGBT Forum Progres traži pojačanje!

LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...