ombudsmaThe last report of the European commission (EC) on the progress of Montenegro in the process of the European integrations provides objective information on the current situation of the human rights and the protection of the minorities and the institutional capacities related.

ombudsmaPoslednji izvještaj Evropske komisije (EK) o napretku Crne Gore u procesu evropskih integracija pruža objektivne informacije o stanju ljudskih prava i zaštiti manjina i institucionalnim kapacitetima s tim u vezi.

“LGBT Forum Progress” has been insisting for the past four years that the priority of social attention should be education, especially the regular schooling system and the increased anti-discriminatory legal protection of LGBT persons.

The report of the EC especially recognizes hostility towards the LGBT community which has remained present and that there is still a gap between the legal alignment and the implementation of the standards of the human rights in the given framework and practice.

Throughout this year “LGBT Forum Progress” was dedicated to the development of good communication and cooperation with the institution of the Protector of human rights and liberties. It is a natural approach due to the fact that “LGBT Forum Progress” is a minority organization, which recognizes and acknowledges the essence and the significance of this institution. Particularly in the framework of protection against discrimination and the long-term influence on the systematic changes in terms of the acceptance of the LGBT community.

 “LGBT Forum Progress” has engaged with the goal of improving the quality and objectiveness of the reporting of this institution. In this regard “LGBT Forum Progress” has actively participated in the work of the Human rights and liberties committee of the Parliament of Montenegro. The only intention was to liberate the report on the work of the institution of the Protector of human rights and liberties of Montenegro, for 2013, of all the flaws, mistruths and intentional hiding of the facts.

 “LGBT Forum Progress” has addressed the Parliament members, gathered around the Committee for human rights and liberties, and pointed out, with arguments, to the inefficiency of this institutions, inefficiency of the anti-discriminatory protection before this institution, as well as the stalling and complete lack of action related to filed complaints for the protection against discrimination, to numerous incorrect information contained in the report, and to the hiding, which is particularly serious, of the case of the deputy Ombudsman, considering the fact that there an filed report against her. On this occasion, Ombudsman has, immediately after the filing, issued a press release. However, from that moment, until today, nothing has been done on this case. It is especially worrying that this complete case, along with other things, has been hidden and lacking in the yearly report. This can not be doubted, as well as the fact that the institution of the Ombudsman in practice, in real everyday work, does not respect the practice and standards of the European court for human rights.

The report of the EC on the progress of Montenegro, states the following on the institution of the Ombudsman.

 Drustvo“OMBUDSMAN – Despite the overall rather high number of staff, the number of posts in the departments dealing with substantive human rights and anti-discrimination issues is rather limited, and various positions remain vacant, including two out of four deputy posts. This raises concerns about the institution’s capacity to fulfil its broad remit and efficiently handle complaints. Little follow-up is given to concrete cases of discrimination.”

We once again call upon all of the societal stakeholder, especially to the members of the Parliament, media and the civil society organizations, to jointly help and support the quality and objective work of the institution of the Protector of the human rights and liberties of Montenegro. The objective work and the reporting is the interest of all and it is not acceptable for anyone to, out of grudge, political and private interests to support the lack of work of the Ombudsman.

“LGBT Forum Progres” već pune četiri godine insistira da prioritet društvene pažnje  treba biti obrazovanje, posebno redovni školski sistem, i povećana antidiskirimatorna krivičnopravna zaštita LGBT osoba.

U izvještaju EK posebno je prepoznata neprijateljska nastrojenost prema LGBT zajednici koja je ostala široko rasprostanjena kao i da dalje postoji jaz između zakonskog usklađivanja i implementacije standarda ljudskih prava u datim okvirima i praksi.

U ovoj godini “LGBT Forum Progres” posebno je bio posvećen razvijanju dobre komunikacije i saradnje sa institucijom Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda. To je prirodan pristup zato što “LGBT Forum Progres” manjinska organizacija koja prepoznaje i uvažava suštinu i značaj ove institucije. Posebno u okviru zaštite od diskriminacije i dugoročnog uticaja na sistemske promjene u pogledu prihvatanja LGBT zajednice.

“LGBT Forum Progres” posebno se angažovao da se unaprijedi kvalitet i objektivnost javnog izvještavanja ove institucije. U tom pogledu “LGBT Forum Progres” aktivno je učestvovao u radu Odbora za ljudska prava i slobode Skupštine Crne Gore. Isključiva namjera je bila da se izvještaj o radu institucije Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore, za 2013. godinu, oslobodi brojnih manjkavosti, neistina i namjernog prikrivanja činjenica.

“LGBT Forum Progres” poslanicima Skupštine Crne Gore, zastupljenim u Odboru  za ljudska prava i slobode, argumentovano je ukazao na neefikasnost ove institucije, nedjelotvornost antidiskriminatorne zaštite pred ovom institucijom, na odugovlačenje i potpuni nerad povodom podnijetih  pritužbi zbog zaštite od diskriminacije, na brojne netačne informacije navedene u izvještaju kao i na prikrivanje, što je posebno ozbiljno, slučaja zamjenice Zaštitnika, protiv koje postoji uredno evidentirana pritužba. Tim povodom, Ombudsman je, odmah po podnošenju, izdao i javno saopštenje. Međutim od tog trenutka do danas ništa nije preduzeto.Posebno je zabrinjavajuće da je kompletan taj slučaj, uz mnoge druge stvari, prikriven i nedostaje u godišnjem izvještaju. To je nesporno kao što je i nesporna činjenica da institucija Ombudsmana u praksi, u stvarnom svakodnevnom radu, ne poštuje tekovine Evropskog suda za ljudska prava.

U izvještaju EK o napretku Crne Gore, o intituciji Ombudsmana stoji sledeće:

Drustvo“OMBUDSMAN – Uprkos sveopštem poprilično velikom broju zaposlenih, određen broj mjesta u odjeljenjima koji se bave pitanjima ljudskih prava i antidiskriminacijom je poprilično ograničen, a različite pozicije ostaju upražnjene, uključujući dva od četiri zamjenička mjesta. Ovo podiže zabrinutost za kapacitete institucije da ispuni svoju široku nadležnost i da se efikasno bavi pritužbama. Jako malo povratnih informacija je dato o konkretnim slučajevima diskriminacije.”

Ponovo apelujemo na sve društvene aktere, posebno na poslanike, medije i organizacije civilnog društva, da zajednički pomognemo i podržimo kvalitetan i objektivan rad institucije Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore. Objektivan rad i izvještavanje je interes svih i nije prihvatljivo da bilo ko, iz inata, politikantskih ili privatnih interesa, podržava nerad Ombudsmana.

LGBT Forum Progres traži pojačanje!

LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...