Podgorica, 17/06/2016

Representatives of NGO LGBT Forum Progress and NGO LGBTIQ Social Center, Mr. Stevan Milivojevic and Mr. Elmir Djokovic, held a lecture/training, on the topic of LGBT inclusion, at the pre-school institution “Djina Vrbica” in Podgorica.

The training was made possible by the direct cooperation of LGBT Forum Progress and LGBTIQ Social Center and JPU “Djina Vrbica”, and it provided a very useful content to over 102 educators and staff from 12 units of this public, pre-school institution.

The training is historic on its own, because, for the first time, in Montenegrin pre-school system there has been a workshop dedicated to human rights and acceptance of LGBT persons. Workshop was implemented as a part of trainings that this institution plans and carries out in the field of human rights and inclusion of minorities

The training itself was interactive, and it enabled the staff of JPU “Djina Vrbica” to hear both the general, informative part about the life of LGBT community in Montenegro, as well as to learn about discrimination, violence, exclusion, and the struggle that the community itself goes through in Montenegrin society.

During the time provided for a discussion, the staff of this institution asked numerous questions relating to the LGBT community in Montenegro, and was given direct answers from the representatives and members of the community.

It was also discussed about creating safe spaces for all children, where no child must feel excluded and where children can be taught proper values, such as respect of others who are in any way different. This is very important, considering the problems of peer bullying and rejection.

Additionally, these NGOs donated printed copies of publications covering various areas, which will help the staff of this institution to further explore and understand the topic of LGBT rights, and to use the gained knowledge in their professional work and when communicating with parents.

NGOs LGBT Forum Progress and LGBTIQ Social Center are very grateful to the management and staff of JPU “Djina Vrbica” for their warm welcome, interactive and quality training, as well as their personal initiative to further educate their employees on how to respect human rights of LGBT persons. These NGOs also encourage other educational institutions to follow the pioneer example of JPU “Djina Vrbica”.

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Predstavnici NVO „LGBT Forum Progres“ i NVO „LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar“, Stevan Milivojević i Elmir Đoković, održali su predavanje/trening sa temom LGBT inkluzije u javnoj predškolskoj ustanovi „Đina Vrbica“ u Podgorici.

Trening je ostvaren putem direktne saradnje između navedenih nevladinih organizacija i uprave JPU „Đina Vrbica“ i omogućen je izuzetno koristan sadržaj za preko 102 vaspitačice i osoblje iz 12 jedinica ove javne predškolske ustanove.

Trening je istorijski sam po sebi, jer se po prvi put u crnogorskom predškolskom sistemu organizovala radionica posvećena ljudskim pravima i prihvatanju LGBT osoba. Radionica je realizovana u sklopu obuka koje ova JPU planira i sprovodi na polju koncepta ljudskih prava i inkluzije manjina.

Sami trening je bio interaktivan, i omogućio je osoblju JPU „Đina Vrbica“, da pored informativnog opšteg dijela o životu LGBT zajednice u Crnoj Gori, nauče i o diskriminaciji, nasilju, isključivanju i borbi same zajednice u crnogorskom društvu.

U ostavljenom prostoru za diskusiju osoblje ove predškolske ustanove postavilo je mnoštvo pitanja vezanih za samu LGBT zajednicu u Crnoj Gori, te dobile direktne odgovore od strane samih predstavnika zajednice.

Diskutovano je o kreiranju sigurnih prostora u kojem se nijedno dijete ne smije osjetiti isključeno i u kojima se djeca uče vrijednostima poštovanja drugih, različitih od sebe, a posebno u domenu vršnjačkog maltretiranja i odbacivanja.

Dodatno, nevladine organizacije poklonile su štampane primjerke publikacija iz raznih oblasti koje će pomoći osoblju ove institucije da dodatno istraže i razumiju tematiku te da naučeno iskoriste u svom profesionalnom angažmanu i komunikaciji sa roditeljima.

NVO „LGBT Forum Progres“ i „LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar“ zahvaljuju se upravi i osoblju JPU „Đina Vrbica“ na izuzetno toploj dobrodošlici, interaktivnom i kvalitetnom treningu kao i na samostalnoj inicijativi za dodatnu edukaciju iz oblasti poštovanja ljudskih prava LGBT osoba, te konstatuju da bi se pionirski primjer ove predškolske institucije trebao pratiti i u svim ostalim nivoima obrazovanja.


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