Novosti City of Kotor is open town for LGBT personsKotor je grad otvoren i za LGBT osobe 11.05.2012 By urednikThe Mayor of Kotor Mrs. Marija Maja Catovic spoke today with the executive director of the LGBT Forum Progres Zdravko… Opširnije
Novosti IDAHO – International Day Against Homophobia and TransphobiaIDAHO – Međunarodni dan protiv homofobije i transfobije 03.05.2012 By urednik Following other initiatives such as the National Day Against Homophobia created in 2003 in the Quebec province of Canada by… Opširnije
Novosti Safety for LGBT persons in every Montenegrin municipalityZa sigurnost LGBT osoba u svakoj crnogorskoj opštini 02.05.2012 By urednikThe presidents of all municipalities in Montenegro at the beginning of February this year, were informed about the operation of… Opširnije
Novosti Hate against LGBT population continuesNastavlja se mržnja prema LGBT populaciji 08.04.2012 By urednikLGBT Forum Progress has filed a claim today to the Police autorities against Minic Raso because he offended and made… Opširnije
Novosti Is Montenegro really leader in respecting LGBT rights in the region? Koliko je zapravo Crna Gora lider u poštovanju ljudskih prava LGBT osoba u regionu? 05.04.2012 By urednikWe are sorry. Because of many other obligations we promise that our volunteers will put translation of this article very… Opširnije
Novosti Life of LGBT persons is becoming unbearable Život LGBT osoba postaje nepodnošljiv 04.04.2012 By urednikMs Dijana Radulović, a judge of the Podgorica district court today displayed an utter lack of sensitivity for discrimination victims… Opširnije