EbolaYesterday, during the day, over 20 members of the nongovernmental organizations “LGBT Forum Progress” and “LGBTIQ Social Center” have filed individual complaints in the basis of allegations of the existence of discrimination in the coffee shop “Banja” in Podgorica, to the Protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro Mr. Susko Bakovic.

EbolaZaštitniku ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore Šućku Bakoviću tokom jučerašnjeg dana preko 20 članova nevladinih organizacija “LGBT Forum Progres” i “LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar”  podnijelo je pojedinačne pritužbe zbog navoda o postojanju diskriminacije u kafiću “Banja” u Podgorici.

 An independent journal “Vijesti” reported on the practice of this hospitality establishment, and it can be found on the following link :


According to the allegations from the text, the employees of the facility have received an instruction to disable the visits to aforementioned facility, mostly to the citizens of Syria, which are the asylum seekers in Montenegro. This has been done, as stated, due to complaints and fear of the “regular guests” not to get any wicked diseases by the immigrants.

Among the persons which have filed the complaints are former and the present directors of the nongovernmental organization “LGBT Forum Progress” Zdravko Cimbaljevic and Stevan Milivojevic, as well as the president of the nongovernmental organization “LGBTIQ Social Center”Elmir Djokovic.

All of the persons which have filed the complaint have asked of the Ombudsman Bakovic to start an adequate procedure and to deliver a timely, not late, information on the outcome of it.

“LGBT Forum Progress” expresses regret that the institution of the Protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro, which has all of the necessary resources, did not react in an adequate manner, and did not investigate the existence of discrimination the same day, on the 7th of November 2014, at the spot of occurrence.

“LGBT Forum Progress” expected that Protector Bakovic, or someone else from the staff of this institution, in the company of the citizens of Syria, and other persons, was to visit the hospitality facility and to conduct an adequate situational testing. This is the usual practice for these kind of incidents in which equal rights and opportunities have been denied, and individuals are being disqualified due to a certain difference, to test the presence of discrimination in a club.

Unfortunately, the timely tests of the presence of discrimination have lacked completely in this facility. “LGBT Forum Progress” expresses its regret that the further lack of work and the discrediting of the central national mechanism for the protection against discrimination, continues.

We expect the health and other authorities, to address the public in terms of the health condition of the asylum seekers in our country, for the prevention of any other possible incident situation.

O praksi ovog ugostiteljskog objekta pisao je nezavisni dnevnik “Vijesti” na ovom linku: https://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/u-podgorickom-kaficu-za-azilante-nema-slobodnog-stola-zbog-straha-od-ebole-804030

Prema navodima iz teksta, osoblje kafića je dobilo instrukciju da onemogući boravak u ovom lokalu građanima, uglavnom, Sirije koji su tražioci azila u Crnoj Gori. To je urađeno, prema navodima, zbog žalbi i straha “stalnih gostiju” da im imigranti ne prenesu neku opaku bolest.

Među podnosiocima pritužbi su i bivši i sadašnji direktori nevladine organizacije “LGBT Forum Progres” Zdravko Cimbaljević i Stevan Milivojević, kao i predsjednik nevladine organizacije “LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar” Elmir Đoković.

Svi podnosioci pritužbe su od Ombudsmana Bakovića zatražili pokretanje odgovarajućeg postupka i blagovremenu, a ne zakašnjelu, informaciju o ishodu istog.

“LGBT Forum Progres” izražava žaljenje što institucija Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore, koja je u posjedu svih potrebnih resursa, nije reagovala na adekvatan način i postojanje diskriminacije provjerila istog dana, 7. novembra 2014. godine, na licu mjesta.

“LGBT Forum Progres” je očekivao da Zaštitnik Baković, neko od njegovih zamjenika, ili neko od osoblja ove institucije, u pratnji građana Sirije, i drugih osoba, posjetiti ugostiteljski lokal i obavi odgovarajuće situaciono testiranje. To je uobičajena praksa za ovakve incidente u kojima se uskraćuju jednaka prava i mogućnosti a pojedinci, diskvalifikuju, zbog određene specifičnosti. testiraju prisutnost diskriminacije u jednom klubu

Na žalost blagovremene radnje testiranja prisutnosti diskriminacije u ovom lokalu su izostale. “LGBT Forum Progres” izražava žaljenje što se nastavlja  nerad i kompromitacija centralnog nacionalnog mehanizma za zaštitu od diskriminacije.

Očekujemo da se javno oglase, zbog prevencije drugih incidentnih situacija, zdrastvene i druge vlasti, u pogledu stanja zdravlja građana koji su zatražioci azila u našoj zemlji.

LGBT Forum Progres traži pojačanje!

LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...