LGBT Forum Progres - Montenegro rainbow map

LGBT Forum Progress, a non-governmental organization that visibly gathers and represents the rights and interests of the LGBT community in Montenegro, expressed satisfaction with the proposed solutions to the government’s five-year strategy for improving the lives of LGBT people.

LGBT Forum Progres - Montenegro rainbow mapLGBT Forum Progres, nevladina organizacija koja vidljivo okuplja i zastupa prava i interese LGBT zajednice u Crnoj Gori, iskazuje zadovoljstvo postojećim ponuđenim rešenjima u vladinoj petogodišnjoj Strategiji za unapređenje kvaliteta života LGBT osoba.

The draft strategy was presented trough the practical, and professional quality text that concisely covers all aspects of LGBT life with realistic ambitions that can help achieving better status and lives of all LGBT people. LGBT Forum Progress will provide the intensive development of the capacity to provide high quality continuous monitoring of the implementation of measures and achieved results.

The document treats all issues of relevance to everyday life, work and progress of each individual from the LGBT community. It is also important that the proposed document is understandable to the members of the LGBT community, professionals from the system and all citizens whose behavior needs to be focused and improved.

The document is positive because it offers the hand of cooperation to those who are currently opposed to the concept of equality of all citizens regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Two years have passed since the founding of the first transparent LGBT group in the country and from the public declaration of the first people on the basis of sexual orientation. In a relatively short time, despite numerous challenges, the efforts of civil society will result in the adoption of the first national LGBT policy.

LGBT Forum Progress also expresses its pleasure because today’s hearing was attended by 13 members of the LGBT community, its active members and associates, which confirms the development and the visibility of the LGBT community. Present LGBT people have shown interest in the defense of their dignity and of their better future.

Nacrt strategije je predstavljen kroz praktičan, kvalitetan i stručan tekst koji koncizno obuhvata sve segmente života LGBT zajednice sa realnim ambicijama može pomoći bolji status i život svih LGBT osoba. LGBT Forum Progres će se posvetiti intenzivnom razvoju kapaciteta kako bi obezbijedio kvalitetan stalni monitoring primjene mjera i postizanja rezultata.

Dokument tretira sva pitanja koja su od svakodnevne važnosti za život, rad i napredak svakog pojedinca iz LGBT zajednice. Važno je i što je predloženi dokument razumljiv pripadnicima LGBT zajednice, profesionalcima iz sistema ali i svim građanima čije bi ponašanje treba da usmjeri i popravi.

Dokument je pozitivan i zato što pruža pomoć i ruku i onima koji se trenutno protive konceptu ravnopravnosti svih građana bez obzira na njihovu seksualnu orijentaciju ili rodni identitet.

Nedavno se navršilo dvije godine od osnivanja prve transparentne LGBT grupe u zemlji i javnog deklarisanja prve osobe po osnovu seksualne orjentacije. Za relativno kratko vrijeme, i pored brojnih izazova, napori civilnog društva će rezultirati donošenjem prve nacionalne LGBT politike.

LGBT Forum Progres iskazuje i zadovoljstvo što je na današnjoj raspravi učestvovao sa 13 pripadnika LGBT zajednice, svojih aktivnih članova i saradnika, što potvrđuje razvoj i vidljivost LGBT zajednice. Prisutne LGBT osobe su pokazale zainteresovanost za odbranu svog dostojanstva i za svoju bolju budućnost.

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