Visit of the Ambassador Zorica Maric-Djordjevic and adviser to the Prime minister of Montenegro for Human Rights and protection against discrimination Jovan KojicicPosjeta ambasadorke Zorice Marić-Đorđević i savjetnika predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore dr Jovana Kojičića
PočetnaNovostiVisit of the Ambassador Zorica Maric-Djordjevic and adviser to the Prime minister of Montenegro for Human Rights and protection against discrimination Jovan KojicicPosjeta ambasadorke Zorice Marić-Đorđević i savjetnika predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore dr Jovana Kojičića
As a part of the preparations for taking the position of a Special representative-ambassador for Human Rights within the Council for Human Rights of the United Nations (HRC), newly named ambassador MA Zorica Maric-Djordjevic, along with Jovan Kojicic, adviser to the Primeminister of Montenegro for Human Rights and protection against discrimination, visited the management of the LGBT Forum Progress, which presented the strategic frames of its work, current programs and its regional and international experiences
U sklopu priprema za odlazak na poziciju Specijalnog predstavnika – ambasadora za ljudska prava pri Savjetu za ljudska prava Ujedinjenih nacija (HRC), novoimenovana ambasadorka mr Zorica Marić – Đorđević, uz prisustvo Jovana Kojičića, savjetnika predsjednika Vlade za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije, posjetila je rukovodstvo LGBT Foruma Progres koje je predstavilo je strateške okvire rada, aktuelne programe i svoja regionalna i međunarodna iskustva.
Discussions were led on the international recognition of Montenegro within the numerous initiatives regarding Human Rights. There was also a discussion on the adoption of a national program document against homophobia during which both sides jointly agreed that this is a unique opportunity for Montenegro to receive additional positive and democratically legitimated recognition and representation in a broader, international context.
The guest from the Government of Montenegro have also visited the LGBT shelter, discussed about its functioning and briefly spoke with the two beneficiaries of the shelter which are accommodated in the shelter due to the fact that their families denied them support because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Diskutovano je o međunarodnom prepoznavanju Crne Gore u brojnim inicijativama u vezi ljudskih prava. Razgovarano je i o donošenju nacionalnog programskog dokumenta borbe protiv homofobije i zajednički ocijenjeno da je to jedinstvena prilika da se Crna Gora dodatno pozitivno i demokratski legitimiše i predstavi u širem međunarodnom kontekstu.
Gosti iz crnogorske Vlade posjetili su i LGBT Sklonište, razgovarali o njegovom funkcionisanju i u kraćem razgovoru zadržali se sa dvoje štićenika koji tu borave usled činjenice da im je porodica uskratila podršku zbog njihove seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta.