Same-sex-marriage-in-France-via-AFP-615x345LGBT Forum Progress, the first transparent LGBT organization in Montenegro, has asked of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Igor Luksic to initiate on the appropriate level the conclusion of a bilateral agreement with France, so the citizens of France would be allowed to have same-sex marriages with citizens of Montenegro.

Same-sex-marriage-in-France-via-AFP-615x345LGBT Forum Progres, prva transparentna LGBT organizacija u Crnoj Gori, zatražila je danas od ministra vanjskih poslova i evropskih integracija dr Igora Lukšića da na odgovarajućem nivou incira zaključivanje bilateralnog sporazuma sa Francuskom kako bi se građanima Francuske omogućilo sklapanje istopolnog braka sa građanima Crne Gore.

Montenegro, according to the regulations of the French Ministry of Justice, was among the countries whose nationals cannot conclude same- sex marriage with the French citizens if not concluded an agreement.

Strategy for Improvement the quality of life of LGBT persons, adopted by the Government of Montenegro on the 9th of May this year, specifies that Montenegro, through its foreign policy, will continue to provide internationally the contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, retaining special sensitivity to activities aimed at improving the situation of LGBT people.

The absence of such an agreement between France and Montenegro severely limited the promoted principle of „marriage for all“ which led the French administration and the nation during the adoption of the law that allowed same-sex marriages.

Addressing the issue of same-sex partnerships on the Montenegrin political, legislative and legal scene is present for almost three years and it coincides with the establishment of „LGBT Forum Progress.“

The proceedings to review the constitutionality of the Family Code before the Constitutional Court of Montenegro has been previously started in order to enable all rights to the same-sex consensual unions, the same ones that the heterosexual couples have. The Constitutional Court, among other things, concluded that the provisions of the Family Code are not a hindrance to same-sex unions, and they can be regulate through specific provisions.

The government’s expert working group for the preparation of the analysis of legal regulations in terms of LGBT rights has proposed the adoption of the Law on the Rights of partners in same-sex relationships.

On the proposal of the NGO „LGBT Forum Progress“ Institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro (Ombudsman), on the March 2012, has presented an initiative to the Parliament of Montenegro for adoption of the Law on the same sex unions.

Finally, the Government, through its recent adoption of the LGBT Strategy, has pledged to make and establish a bill on registered partnership, which will recognize same-sex unions rights in accordance with recognized international treaties and generally accepted rules of international law.

The government has pledged to work to create a positive environment for social acceptance of LGBT persons and their (same-sex) unions. It is extremely important to ensure the high-quality access to knowledge, to the learning about the standards in this area and support heterosexual public and important political actors.

Montenegrin LGBT strategy offered a discussion of three different models, but the LGBT Forum Progress, in its vision, is committed to finding the model and the solution of registered partnership, which will be open to all couples, same-sex and heterosexual, which will solve the systemic concept of registered partnership which is not the marriage.

Crna Gora se, prema aktima francuskog Ministarstva pravde, našla u grupi zemalja s čijim državljanima francuski građani ne mogu sklopiti brak ukoliko nije zaključen odgovarajući sporazum.

Strategija za unapređenje kvaliteta života LGBT osoba, koju je Vlada Crne Gore usvojila  9. maja ove godine, precizira da će Crna Gora, kroz svoju vanjsku politiku, nastaviti da na međunarodnom planu pruža doprinos promociji i zaštiti osnovnih ljudskih prava i sloboda, zadržavajući poseban senzibilitet prema aktivnostima koje su usmjerene na unapređenje položaja LGBT osoba.

Nepostojanje takvog sporazuma između Francuske i Crne Gore ozbiljno limitira promovisani princip “brak za sve” kojim su francuska administracija i nacija vođeni prilikom usvajanja zakona koji je omogućio istopolne brakove.

Rješavanje pitanja istopolnog partnerstva na crnogorskoj političkoj, zakonodavnoj i pravnoj sceni prisutno je gotovo tri godine i poklapa se s osnivanjem “LGBT Foruma Progres”.

Pred Ustavnim sudom Crne Gore svojevremeno je pokrenut postupak za ocjenu ustavnosti Porodičnog zakona kako bi i istopolnim vanbračnim zajednicama bila omogućena sva prava koja Porodični zakon priznaje heteroseksualnim parovima. Ustavni sud, između ostalog, zaključio je da odredbe Porodičnog zakona ne predstavljaju smetnje da se istopolne zajednice pravno urede donošenjem posebnog propisa.

Vladina Stručna radna grupa za pripremu analize pravnih propisa sa aspekta LGBT prava predložila je donošenje Zakona o pravima partnera u istopolnim zajednicama.

Na predlog nevladine organizacije “LGBT Forum Progres” institucija Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore, marta 2012. godine, uputila je inicijativu Skupštini Crne Gore za donošenje Zakona o istopolnoj zajednici.

Konačno, Vlada Crne Gore, nedavnim usvajanjem LGBT Strategije, obavezala se da će biti utvrđen predlog Zakona o registrovanom partnerstvu, koji će istopolnim zajednicama priznati prava u skladu s potvrđenim međunarodnim ugovorima i opšte prihvaćenim pravilima međunarodnog prava.

Vlada se obavezala da će raditi na stvaranju društveno pozitivnog ambijenta za prihvatanje LGBT osoba i njihovih (istopolnih) zajednica. Od izuzetne je važnosti da se u tome obezbijedi kvalitetan pristup znanju, u smislu učenja o standardima u ovoj oblasti, te podrška heteroseksualne javnosti i bitnih političkih činilaca.

Crnogorska LGBT Strategija ponudila je diskusiju o tri različita modela ali se LGBT Forum Progres, u svojoj viziji, zalaže za model i rešenje registrovanog partnerstva koji će biti otvoreno za sve parove, istopolne i hetero, čime će se sistemski riješiti koncept registrovanog partnerstva a da to nije brak.

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