ukraine_hate_attackPodgorica, May 21, 2014

Tonight around 10PM well known LGBTIQ activist was physically attacked at the entrance of his apartment building.

ukraine_hate_attackPodgorica, 21- maj 2014. godine

Večeras, 21. maja 2014. godine, nešto prije 22 sata fizički je napadnut istaknuti LGBT aktivista ispred ulaza zgrade u kojoj stanuje.

Two unidentified younger individuals were wearing black hoodies and hats over their heads approached the victim asking him „Are you the one who is replacing Cimbaljevic?“. The activist didn’t have time to respond. They put him down on the ground and started beating him, stepping on him and kicking him with their fists.

While they were on top of him they were shouting „This is what you deserve you fagot“ and „We will fuck your mother you fagot“.

Police was contacted immediately after attack. Some neighbours who were witnessing of what happened agreed to help in investigation and identification of the attackers.

At the moment LGBTIQ activist is in police station in order to give detailed report what happened.  He was not detained in the hospital but he suffers from many minor injuries.

Violence towards LGBTIQ persons is increasing each day. There are not many reported violence (due to fear of being outed) but even those cases that are result of hate and criminal acts with identified attackers are not prosecuted. This doesn’t bring clear message from the Prosecutor towards attackers.

Many of these attackers are getting away with very minimal punishments (or no punishments at all) and such act of Prosecutors office is encouraging many to repeat what they done before and do even worse.

If these attacks continue on our activists and LGBTIQ Social Center and they are not prosecuted in very short time LGBT Forum Progress will decide to „freeze“ its future public work as a protest.

Once more, we ask and thank all the public who is willing to help authorities in identification of these attackers and cooperate with our organization as well for the sake of all of us.

One day this victim could be someone you love. Lets stop violence together!

LGBT Forum Progres


Dvojica mladića u crnim trenerkama  i s kapama na glavi su mu prišla pitajući ga da li si ti taj koji mijenja Cimbaljevića. Nije uspio ništa da im odgovori već su ga oborili na zemlju i tukli ga nogama i rukama.

Dok su tukli govorili su „Evo ti pederčino” i „Majku ti jebemo pederu”.

Odmah je pozvana policija koja je izašla na lice mjesta.  Nekoliko komšija, očevidaca prebijanja, je iskazalo spremnost da pomogne identifikaciju.

LGBT aktivista je trenutno u policiji zbog davanja dodatnih izjava.

Nasilje nad LGBT osobama je u stalnom porastu. Osim što značajan broj napada nije identifikovan kazne prema izvršiocima su izuzetno blage i kao takve afirmišu nasilje.

LGBT Forum Progres ukoliko se u najskorijem roku ne riješe napadi na njegove aktiviste i napadi na LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar zamrznuće svoj dalji javni rad.

Još jednom apelujemo na javnost da pomogne nadležnim organima u identifikaciji i precesuiranju izvršioca krivičnih djela.


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