LGBT Forum Progress since its founding, in December 2010., has been dedicated to developing and improving the trans community and of the transgender rights in Montenegro.
LGBT Forum Progres od svog osnivanja, decembra 2010., posvećen je razvoju trans zajednice i poboljšanju prava transrodnih osoba u Crnoj Gori.
Kampanja javnog zastupanja, pokrenuta 2011., rezultirala je usvajanjem, 2012., izmjenom Zakona o zdravstvenom osiguranju koji je napokon omogućio postupak rodne konfirmacije na budžet države sa iznosom od 80% troškova.
Advocacy campaign, launched in the 2011th, resulted in the adoption, in 2012., of the amendments to the health insurance, which finally enabled the process of gender confirmation to be covered by the state budget in the amount of 80% of the costs.
A remarkable communication and cooperation with the Minister of Health has been established a and health authorities have made Montenegro recognizable within a regional framework.
Thanks to the support of the British Embassy in Podgorica this year capacity of doctors and medical staff in their work with the transgender persons has been significantly improved. We have also invested considerable effort in the same support for the development local trans community, which currently has seven members.
The protocol on gender confirmation is in the final stage, at the Ministry of Health. Currently the comments of relevant experts and European Transgender Associations are being collected and reviewed.
Through the established Fund „LGBT Solidarity“ on a monthly basis, three poor transgender people are receiving the aid from the Montenegrin LGBT community.
Transgender people, through established services of LGBT Forum Progress, are offered the services of legal and psychological counseling and so far a total of four trans gender people resided, from 15 days to 3 months, the LGBT Shelter.
Trans community is represented in the Steering committee of LGBT Forum Progress through reserved place in the committee.
LGBT Forum Progress tomorrow will present the first experiences of transgender people in regard to their legal recognition and access to personal documents.
Uspostavljena je izuzetna komunikacija i saradnja sa ministrom zdravlja i zdravstvenim vlastima koja Crnu Goru prepoznaje i u regionalnom okviru.
Zahvaljujući podršci Ambasade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva u Podgorici u ovoj godine su poboljšani kapaciteti ljekara i medicinskog osoblja za rad sa transrodnim osobama. Takođe uloženi su i značajni napori, u sklopu iste podrške, za razvoj lokalne trans zajednice koja trenutno broji sedam članova/ica.
U završnoj je fazi, u Ministarstvu zdravlja, izrada Pravilnika o rodnoj konfirmaciji. Trenutno se prikupljaju komentari relevantnih stručnjaka i evropskih transrodnih asocijacija.
Preko uspostavljenog Fonda „LGBT Solidarnost“, na mjesečnom nivou, tri siromašne transrodne osobe primaju pomoć crnogorske LGBT zajednice.
Transrodnim osobama, preko uspostavljenih servisa LGBT Foruma Progres, na usluzi je pravno i psihološko savjetovalište a do sada su ukupno četiri trans rodne osobe boravile, od 15 dana do 3 mjeseca, u LGBT Skloništu.
Trans zajednica zastupljena je i u Upravnom odbor LGBT Foruma Progres kroz direktno rezervisano mjesto.