Posjeta komesaraCouncil of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, (CoE) Mr Nils Muižnieks, as a part of his official visit to Montenegro, has visited the LGBT Shelter and LGBTIQ Social Center.

Posjeta komesaraKomesar za ljudska prava Savjeta Evrope (SE) gospodin Nils Muižnieks, u sklopu svoje zvanične posjete Crnoj Gori posjetio je danas LGBT Sklonište i LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar. 

The visit of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights is focused on the questions of post-war justice, facing the past, crimes, discrimination and human rights of the refugee, Roma and Egyptian population, persons with disabilities and LGBT persons.

Through the yesterday’s dialogue with the civil society and the independent experts, through the series of meetings, discussion was led about the policy and the practice of human rights in Montenegro, and in this context, numerous challenges, difficulties and problems have been identified, as well as the successes and the examples of good practice.

Today, on the 19.03.2014. the commissioner Mr. Muižnieks, has visited the LGBT Shelter, the service which has been established more than three years ago, by LGBT Forum Progress, with the goal of accepting the LGBT persons which have been denied of their family support due to their sexual orientation and gender identity. The commissioner was informed about the previous experience and the results of functioning of the shelter, the procedures and he had a conversation with the current beneficiary of the shelter. The commissioner has also donated the publications of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, to the library of the LGBT Shelter.

The commissioner Mr. Muižnieks has also visited the LGBTIQ Social Center, intended for the development of social, entertainment and educational life of LGBT community in Montenegro. During this visit the commissioner also spent time in the discussion with the visitors and the users of the Social Center. A discussion has been led mostly about the problems of social acceptance of LGBT persons in Montenegro.

 The staff and the president of the Council of the users of the center have presented the current and future programs. The LGBTIQ Social Center has been established with the support of the Council of Europe and the LGBT community.

All of the services in the LGBT Shelter and the Social Center are completely free and available to all of the members of  LGBT community.

Posjeta Komesara za ljudska prava SE Crnoj Gori fokusirana je na pitanja poslijeratne pravde i suočavanja s prošlošću, ratnih zločina, diskriminacije i ljudskih prava izbjeglica, Roma i Egipćana, osoba sa invaliditetom i LGBT osoba.

Kroz jučerašnji dijalog s civilnim društvom i nezavisnim stručnjacima, kroz seriju sastanaka, diskutovano je o politici i praksi  ljudskih prava u Crnoj Gori, i u tom kontekstu, idemntifikovani brojni izazovi, tepkoće i problemi ali i uspjesi i primjri dobre prakse.

Danas, 19.03.2014. godine, Komesar gospodin Muižnieks, posjetio LGBT Sklonište, servis koji je prije više od tri godine pokrenuo “LGBT Forum Progres”, zbog prihvata LGBT osoba kojima je uskraćena porodična podrška zbog njhove seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta. Komesar se upoznao sa dosadašnjim iskustvom i rezultatima u radu, procedurama ali i neposredno je razgovarao sa upravnikom LGBT Skloništa i sa štićenicom koja  trenutno boravi u njemu. Komesar je Biblioteci LGBT Skloništa uručio donaciju knjiga Savjeta Evrope iz oblasti ljudska prava.

Komesar g. Muižnieks je posjetio i LGBTIQ Socijalni centar, namijenjen razvoju društvenog, zabavnog i obrazovnog života LGBT zajednice u Crnoj Gori. Prilikom ove posjete Komesar se zadržao u vrlo srdačnom razgovoru s posjetiocima i korisnicima Socijalnog centra. Razgovarali su uglavnom o problemima društvenog prihvatanja LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori. Osoblje i predsjednik Korisničkog savjeta detaljno su predstavili aktuelne i buduće programske sadržaje. Podsjetimo, LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar otvoren je uz podršku i pomoć LGBT projekta Savjeta Evrope i same LGBT zajednice.

Svi servisi, u LGBT Skloništu i Socijalnom centru, su besplatni i dostupni svim članovima LGBT zajednice.

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