NGO LGBT Forum Progress has, as a part of a pilot project started in January 2017, published the Annual report regarding the situation of Human Rights of LGBTIQ persons in Montenegro during 2016. Under this Report, a total of 10 topics has been covered, that have been identified as key ones throughout the work of Progress. They are:
- Strategy for Improving Quality of Life of LGBT Persons in Montenegro (2013 – 2018)
- Cases of physical and psychological violence, violence committed out of hatred and hate speech
- The case of “Niksic Pride”
- Student Parliament of the University of Montenegro
- SOGI Center (LGBTIQ Social and Community Center)
- Montenegro Pride
- The occurrence of sex workers; STIs and STDs
- Discrimination, intolerance, and violence within the LGBTIQ community itself
- Institutional blockage
- Social climate
This report has been composed based on internally gathered and processed data, that have been compared to relevant national and international sources; as well as based on the scope and reach of day-to-day activities of LGBT Forum Progress in 2016.
Despite some objective steps forward have been made in 2016 in the area of the respect of human rights of LGBTIQ persons and their social acceptance, we are overall not content with the achieved progress. It is the very purpose of this report to point out all of the shortcomings and omissions, as well as to point out the potential ways of solving some of the problems.
As this is a pilot project, we will appreciate the inputs of all relevant institutions, NGOs and CSOs, media, and individuals, in order to make each next annual report as objective, good in quality, and comprehensive as possible.
The complete report can be found on the following link:
Nevladina organizacija LGBT Forum Progres, u sklopu pilot projekta započetog u januaru 2017. godine, objavljuje Godišnji izvještaj o stanju ljudskih prava LGBTIQ osoba u Crnoj Gori u 2016. godini. U sklopu ovog izvještaja, obrađeno je 10 tema, koje su kroz rad Progresa prepoznate kao ključne. Te teme su:
1. Strategija o unapređenju kvaliteta života LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori (2013 – 2018)
2. Slučajevi fizičkog i psihičkog nasilja, te nasilja počinjenog iz mržnje i govora mržnje
3. Slučaj „Nikšić Prajda“
4. Studentski Parlament Univerziteta Crne Gore
5. SOGI Centar (LGBTIQ socijalni i društveni centar)
6. Montenegro Prajd
7. Pojava seksualnih radnika i radnica; polno prenosive infekcije i bolesti
8. Diskriminacija, netolerancija i nasilje među samom LGBTIQ zajednicom
9. Institucionalna blokada
10. Društvena klima
Godišnji izvještaj urađen je na osnovu interno prikupljenih i obrađenih podataka, koji su upoređeni sa relevantnim nacionalnim i međunarodnim izvorima; kao i na osnovu opsega svakodnevnih aktivnosti LGBT Forum Progresa u 2016. godini.
Iako su tokom 2016. godine napravljeni objektivni pomaci u poštovanju ljudskih prava LGBTIQ osoba i njihovom društvenom prihvatanju, sveukupno nismo zadovoljni ostvarenim napretkom. Upravo je svrha ovog izvještaja da ukaže na sve nedostatke i propuste, te ukaže na načine potencijalnog rješavanja nekih od prisutnih problema.
Kako je ovo pilot projekat, cijenićemo inpute svih relevantnih institucija, organizacija civilnog i nevladinog sektora, medija i pojedinaca, kako bi svaki naredni godišnji izvještaj bio što objektivniji, kvalitetniji i sveobuhvatniji.
Cjelokupni izvještaj možete pronaći na sledećem linku: