At the yesterday held session of the Assembly of NGO LGBT Forum Progres, it was decided on amendments to the Statute and a new leadership of the organization was elected.

For the president of the Governing board of the organization, Ms. Bojana Jokic was elected, who joined the organization in 2014, doing multiple tasks in the organization including holding the  position of coordinator of the program for LGBT tourism, as well as the position of deputy director of the LGBT Forum Progres. In addition to performing the functions of the President, Jokic will be the new face that will represent the organization in the media and before the interested public. The Governing board is a new collective governing body.

For board members were elected: S.R., S.K., N.A. and B.B.

For the new Executive Director, Governing board unanimously decided on appointing  J.B.

Na juče održanoj sjednici Skupštine nevladine organizacije LGBT Forum Progres, odlučeno je o izmjenama Statuta i izabrano novo rukovodstvo organizacije.

Za predsjednicu Upravnog odbora (UO) organizacije, izabrana je Bojana Jokić, koja se pridružila organizaciji 2014. godine, obavljajući više poslova u organizaciji uključuJući pozicije koordinatorke programa za LGBT turizam, kao i poziciju zamjenice direktora LGBT Forum ProgresA. Pored obavljanja funkcije predsjednice UO, Jokić će biti i novo lice koje će organizaciju predstavljati u medijima i pred zainteresovanom javnosti. UO je i novi kolektivni organ upravljanja.

Za članove UO su izabrani:  S.R., S.K., N.A. i B.B. .

Za novog izvršnog direktora, Upravni odbor je jednoglasno izabrao J.B.

LGBT Forum Progres traži pojačanje!

LGBT Forum Progres raspisuje oglas za: administrativni radnik/ca. Opis radnog...