lgbt_rainbow_justice_scaleThe Basic Court in Bar made a first instance criminal verdict to the citizen MP (1988), a student of the Bar, for the criminal offense of Violation of safety according to the Article 168 page 1 of the Penal Code, because he threatened LGBT people through the social network „Facebook“.

lgbt_rainbow_justice_scaleOsnovni Sud u Baru prvostepeno krivičnom presudom osudio je građanina M.P. (1988), studenta iz Bara, zbog krivičnog djela ugrožavanje sigurnosti, iz člana 168. st. 1. Krivičnog zakonika, zato što je putem društvene mreže “Facebook” prijetio članu LGBT zajednice.

The Basic Court in Bar has declared a first instance parole sentence to the citizen M.P.  by which he will be imprisoned in the length of three months, if he breaks the parole which has been set to the length of two years.

LGBT Forum Progress filed a criminal report, on the 2nd of October 2012th to the Basic State Prosecutor (BSP) in Bar against the citizen M.P. because of the threats made towards the member of the LGBT community, while proceedings before the Court in Bar were on the basis of  the indictment proposal made by the BSP on the 19.10.2012

LGBT Forum Progress finds that in this case, the timely and effective implementation of rights and respect for human rights and freedoms has been provided and the objectivity and impartiality of the judiciary system  have been confirmed.

This is the second first instance criminal judgment, in the last year, on the grounds of violation of the safety of LGBT people in Montenegro and LGBT Forum Progress expects a more active role of state prosecutors to protect LGBT people from threats, hatred and violence.

„LGBT Forum Progress,“ with support from the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica, provides legal assistance in the prosecution of hate speech, violence or discrimination against LGBT people. Specialized teams in charge to monitor hate speech on the Internet and in the media were formed.

The LGBT Forum Progress welcomes the fact that the Government of Montenegro, at the last session, adopted the proposal of the Amendments to the Criminal Code by which the efforts and the long-term demands of Montenegrin civil society have been taken into account.

The adoption of amendments to the Criminal Code marks the joining of Montenegro to the democratic countries that prosecute hate speech and intolerance on the basis of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

The proposal of the Government strengthened the sanctions so, the added Article, defined a special circumstance for the sentencing for a crime committed out of hatred because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity of another person, and this circumstance will be considered by the court as aggravating.

LGBT Forum Progress finally estimates that by the adoption of the Amendments to the Criminal Code, the national anti-discrimination practices will improve and the role and responsibilities of public prosecutors in the protection of LGBT people in Montenegro will further strengthen.

Only the changes in education, together with the judicial protection and good practice can produce a long-term change and create better conditions for an equal  and safe life for all LGBT people in Montenegro.

Legal Team of the LGBT Forum Progress

Osnovni sud u Baru M.P. je izrekao prvostepenu uslovnu osudu kojom mu je utvrđena kazna zatvora od tri mjeseca i istovremeno određeno da se kazna neće izvršiti ukoliko okrivljeni u roku od dvije godine, po pravosnažnosti presude, ne učini novo krivično djelo.

LGBT Forum Progres podnio je 2. oktobra 2012. godine krivičnu prijavu Osnovnom državnom tužiocu (ODT) u Baru protiv M.P. zbog prijetnji članu LGBT zajednice dok se postupak pred Osnovnim Sudom u Baru vodio po osnovu optužnog predloga ODT od 19.10.2012. godine.

LGBT Forum Progres ocjenjuje da je u konkretnom slučaju blagovremeno i efikasno obezbijeđena primjena prava i poštovanje ljudskih prava i sloboda i potvrđena objektivnost i nepristrasnost pravosudnih organa.

Ovo je druga prvostepena krivična presuda, u posljednjih godinu dana, zbog ugrožavanja sigurnosti LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori i LGBT Forum Progres očekuje mnogo aktivniju ulogu državnih tužilaca u zaštiti LGBT osoba od prijetnji, mržnje i nasilja.

“LGBT Forum Progres”, zahvlajujući podršci Ambasade SAD u Porgorici, pruža pravnu pomoć u precesuiranju slučajeva govora mržnje, nasilja ili diskriminacije LGBT osoba. Formirani su i specijalizovani timovi zaduženi da prate govor mržnje na Internetu i u medijima. 

LGBT Forum pozdravlja činjenicu da je Vlada Crne Gore, na minuloj sjednici, utvrdila predlog Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Krivičnog zakonika kojim su uvaženi višegodišnji zahtjevi i napori crnogorskog civilnog društva.

Usvajanjem izmjenama Krivičnog zakonika Crna Gora će se pridružiti demokratskim zemljama koje krivično gone govor mržnje i netrpeljivost po osnovu rase, pola, invaliditeta, seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta.

Predlogom Vlade osnažene su i sankcije pa je, dodatim članom, definisana posebna okolnost  za odmjeravanje kazne za krivično djelo učinjeno iz mržnje zbog pripadnosti rasi, vjeroispovjesti, nacionalne ili etničke pripadnosti, pola, seksualne orijentacije ili rodnog identiteta drugog lica, pa će tu okolnost sud cijeniti kao otežavajuću.

LGBT Forum Progres ocjenjuje da će konačnim usvajanjem izmjena Krivičnog zakonika poboljšati nacionalna antidiskriminatorna praksa i dodatno osnažiti uloga i odgovornost državnih tužilaca u zaštiti LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori.

Jedino se uz promjene u obrazovanju, i dobru sudsku zaštitu i praksu, mogu dugoročno popraviti i stvoriti bolji uslovi za ravnopravan i bezbjedan život svih LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori.

LGBT Forum Progres Pravni Tim

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