1743544_10203004874658425_2999638219147851678_nOn the occasion of the tragic death of Milán Rózsa, an eminent Hungarian LGBT activist, Stevan Milivojevic, the executive director of “LGBT Forum Progress” has addressed condolence letters to the ambassador of the Republic of Hungary, His Excellence Mr. Tibor Csázár as well as to the management of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance and the family Rosza.

1743544_10203004874658425_2999638219147851678_nPovodom tragične smrti Milana Rosa (Milán Rózsa) istaknutog mađarskog LGBT aktiviste, Stevan Milivojević, izvršni direktor “LGBT Foruma Progres”, ambasadoru Republike Mađarkse u Crnoj Gori Njegovoj Ekselenciji g. Tiboru Sazaru (Tibor Csázár) rukovodstvu Mađarske LGBT Alijanse i porodici Rosza uputio je telegrame saučešća.

         In the condolence letter to the Hungarian ambassador in Montenegro, it was pointed out that Milan’s efforts in the field of social acceptance of LGBT persons represent a permanent inspiration, especially in the former totalitarian societies. His activism was much wider than the LGBT movement. He has always had a brave, determiner and civic approach while fighting for justice, liberty and interest of all of the Hungarian society – as stated, among other things, in the condolence letter.

         LGBT Forum Progress maintained close contacts with Mr. Rosza. He was one of the organizers of the Hungarian Pride Parade, board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance as well as one of the organizers of EuroGames, a sort of gat Olympics in Budapest 2012, where Montenegro also took participation and achieved results.

         Milan Rosza was one of the leaders of the LGBT parade in Hungary, a rare activist that spoke openly in the media advocating for LGBT rights and interests. He has faced, regular protests of neo-Nazi groups. The day after his public coming out, as the representative of the LGBT community on the Pride parade, he has learned that his father has committed suicide (2013), which brought depression and sadness onto him. However, he continued fighting until his tragic death.

         10808175_741617069246799_1701833111_nA remembrance night was organized tonight in the LGBTIQ Social center, with lit candles in the honor of Milan Rosza.

U saučešću ambasadoru Republike Mađarske u Crnoj Gori istaknuto je da Milanovi pionirski poduhvati na polju društvenog prihvatanja LGBT osoba, predstavljaju trajnu inspiraciju posebno u bivšim totalitarističkim društvima. Njegov aktivizam bio je mnogo širi od LGBT pokreta. Uvjek je nastupao hrabro, odlučno i široko građanski boreći se za pravdu, slobodu i interese cijelog mađarskog društva – navodi se, između ostalog, u saučešću.

Sa Rosom LGBT Forum Progres je održavao bliske kontakte. Bio je jedan od organizatora Mađarske povorke ponosa, član Upravnog odbora Mađarske LGBT alijanse kao i jedan od organizatora EuroGames-a, svojevrsne gay olimpijade u Budimpešti 2012. godine, na kojoj je zapaženo učestvovala i predstavila se i Crna Gora.

Milan Rosa bio jedan od predvodnika LGBT povorke u Mađarskoj, rijetki aktivista koji je otvoreno u medijima zastupao LGBT prava i interese i suočavao se, svakodnevno, sa protestima neonacističkih grupa. Dan nakon što je izašao javno kao predstavnik LGBT zajednice na Povorci ponosa, saznao je da mu se otac ubio (2012) sto mu je donijelo tešku patnju. Međutim nastavio je da se bori do svoje tragične smrti.

10808175_741617069246799_1701833111_nU LGBTIQ Socijalnom Centra u Podgorici večeras je organizovano veče sjećanja uz paljenje svijeća. 

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