Today, on January 27th, the world marks the Holocaust Remembrance Day. Non-governmental organisations LGBT Forum Progress, Hiperion, and LGBTIQ Social Center join thousands of organisations and groups, as well as millions of people around the globe, in remembering the victims of the Holocaust.

We must never forget the horrors that have been committed and the innocent lives that the Nazi regime brutally took. We must never forget six million Jews and five million Slavs, Roma, people with mental and physical disabilities, gay men, lesbians, religious minorities, and others, who perished in the death camps. We must never forget the darkness and evil that took over Europe and the world, and shook the foundations and principles of the modern civilisation.

Also, we owe it to ourselves to remember that one of the targets of the Nazi machinery were also LGBT persons, who were equally persecuted, imprisoned and sent to camps, got subjected to the most vicious and vile ways of torture, and then met a gruesome and agonising end. We can also never forget the pink triangles that were sown to clothes of gay men, as a mark of their sexual orientation.

M0001845 John Haygarth. Line engraving by W. Cooke, 1827, after J. H.

Montenegrin public must never forget that our country was made from and built upon the principles of antifascism and combat against the evil of this sort; and that it is the duty of us all to nurture and preserve those principles, and be guided by them; for the sake of the future of our country, and for the sake of peace, justice and equality.

Our organisations will, like we have done so far, continue our struggle for equality, tolerance, peace, acceptance, and understanding amongst the people. And so, with this in mind, today we remember all the Holocaust victims. By remembering them, and carrying them in our hearts and minds, we are ready to welcome a better tomorrow.

Danas, 27. januara, svijet obilježava Dan sjećanja na žrtve Holokausta. Nevladine organizacije LGBT Forum Progres, Hiperion i LGBTIQ Socijalni Centar se pridružuju hiljadama organizacija i grupa, kao i milionima ljudi širom svijeta, u znak sjećanja na žrtve Holokausta.

Nikada ne smijemo da zaboravimo užase koji su počinjeni i nevine živote koje je nacistički režim brutalno uzeo. Nikada ne smijemo da zaboravimo šest miliona Jevreja i pet miliona Slovena, Roma, osoba sa invaliditetom, gej muškaraca, lezbejki, vjerskih manjina i drugih, koji su nestali u logorima smrti. Nikada ne smijemo zaboraviti tamu i zlo koje su osvojile Evropu i svijet i iz temelja poljuljale tekovine savremene civilizacije.

Takođe, ne možemo a da se ne sjetimo da su jedna od meta nacističke mašinerije bile i LGBT osobe, koje su jednako progonjene, zatvarane u logore i podvrgavane najstrašnijim mučenjima, da bi nakon svega doživjele užasan i mučan kraj. Ne možemo zaboraviti ni ružičaste trouglove koji su prišivani gej muškarcima na odjeću, kako bi bili označeni i prepoznati na osnovu njihove seksualne orijentacije.

M0001845 John Haygarth. Line engraving by W. Cooke, 1827, after J. H.

Crnogorska javnost nikada ne smije zaboraviti da je naša zemlja stvorena i izgrađena na tekovinama antifašizma i borbe protiv zla ove vrste, te da je dužnost svih nas da te tekovine gajimo, očuvamo i njima se vodimo, zarad budućnosti Crne Gore i zarad mira, pravde i jednakosti.

Kao i do sada, naše organizacije će da nastave borbu za jednakost, toleranciju, mir, prihvatanje i razumijevanje među ljudima. I zato se danas prisjećamo svih žrtava Holokausta i, noseći ih u našim srcima i mislima, spremno dočekujemo bolje sjutra.

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