lgbtLGBT Forum Progress, the first transparent and visible LGBT group in Montenegro, is committed to the establishment of the strong partnership with the organizations „Queer Montenegro“ and „Juventas“.

lgbtLGBT Forum Progres, prva transparentna i vidljiva LGBT grupa u Crnoj Gori, zalaže se za uspostavljanje snažnog parterstva sa nevladinim organizacijama “Kvir Montengro”  i “Juventas”.

In the end of May this year „LGBT Forum Progress“ has initiated the establishment of the full program and technical cooperation with the NGO „Queer Montenegro“. Previously, LGBT Forum Progress was, through its executive director, present at the first public presentation  of this NGO.

Also „LGBT Forum Progress“ provided its answer regarding the organization of the Montenegrin Pride Parade, without additional comments, so that the possible cooperation with these NGOs wouldn’t be in any way endangered. The cooperation with these organizations is needed and necessary.

„LGBT Forum Progress“ has initiated the meeting on a level of the complete management and the Steering committee of the        two organizations. It has been suggested that the first encounter should be of a technical nature, in order to define the frame, the          content and the principles of mutual dialogue.

„LGBT Forum Progress“ remarks it is highly important to form mutual teams, which will, on a equal basis, within the established  deadline, determine the areas of potential cooperation and priorities of the LGBT community. It is suggested after this  assessment, to have another collective meeting of the management of the two organizations. One of the teams would deal with         the questions of the organization of the Pride parades in Montenegro.

LGBT Forum Progress is committed to the goal of establishing the full thrust between the two organizations, to make an agreement on the roles and activities, mutual involvement in the special activities and the development of the joint activities, to conclude a Memorandum on mutual cooperation and understanding, and that in the interest of the LGBT community to solve the  question of marches and Pride parades.

LGBT Forum Progress has been committed, since its founding, to the strengthening of the capacities and to the overall strengthening of the LGBT community to become visible in the Montenegrin society. In this regard, LGBT Forum Progress has  made historical contributions. Aware of its responsibility, LGBT Forum Progress will continue to initiate, support and implement all activities which contribute to the visibility of the LGBT community and the strengthening of the LGBT movement. It certainly means       the organization of the walks/Pride marches in Montenegro.

Još krajem maja ove godine “LGBT Forum Progres” inicirao je uspostavljanje pune programske i tehničke saradnje sa NVO “Kvir Montenegro”. Prethodno “LGBT Forum Progres” je, preko izvršnog direktora, bila prisutna i na prvoj javnoj prezentaciji ove NVO.

Takođe, “LGBT Forum Progres” je odgovorio u vezi organizovanja  crnogorskog Pride bez dodatnog komentarisanja kako se ne bi, na bilo koji način, ugrozila moguća saradnja s ovim nevladinim organizacijama koja je potrebna i neophodna.

“LGBT Forum Progres” je inicirao susret na nivou kompletnog sastava izvršnog menadžmenta i Upravnog odbora dviju organizacija. Predloženo je da prvi susret bude tehničke prirode kako bi se definisao okvir, sadržaj i principi međusobnog dijaloga.

“LGBT Forum Progres” je ocijenio važnim formirati međusobne timove koji će, na paritetnoj osnovi, u utvrđenom roku, utvrditi oblasti potencijalne saradnje i prioritete LGBT zajednice. Predloženo je da se odmah nakon toga održi novi kolektivni grupni sastanak rukovodstava dviju organizacija. Jedan od timova isključivo bi se bavio pitanjem organizovanjem povorki ponosa u Crnoj Gori.

Opredjeljenje LGBT Foruma Progres je da se između dvije organizacije uspostavi puno povjerenje, napravi dogovor o ulogama i aktivnostima, međusobnom uključivanju u pojedinačne i razvijanje zajedničkih aktivnosti, zaključi Sporazum o međusobnoj saradnji te da se u interesu LGBT zajednice riješi pitanje šetnji i Povorki ponosa LGBT zajednice.

LGBT Forum Progres se od svog osnivanja zalaže za jačanje kapaciteta i osnaživanje LGBT zajednice da postane vidljivija u crnogorskom društvu. U tom pogledu Progres je kroz tri minule godine pružio istorijske doprinose. Svjestan odgovornosti nastaviće da inicira, podržava i realizuje sve aktivnosti koje doprinose vidljivosti LGBT zajednice i snaženju LGBT pokreta. To svakako podrazumijeva i što skorije organizovanje šetnji ponosa u Crnoj Gori.

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