During a meeting between the Prime minister of Montenegro, Mr. Duško Marković and the President of the Steering Committee of LGBT Forum Progress, Ms. Bojana Jokić, the Prime Minister said that the Government of Montenegro will continue to support the integration of the LGBT community in the society and that it will help with providing the social services that are vital to the members of this population.

Ms. Jokić commended the current strategic and legislative framework of Montenegro, and pointed out the great cooperation with the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, law enforcement institutions, and the Institution of the Ombudsman; as well as pointed out to the need for governmental support in the work of the LGBT Shelter and Social Center, that they no longer have the funding for.

The Prime minister expressed his pleasure with the progress made in this area and the dedication of the institutions, and said that the Government will support and help with the activities related to the re-activation of the Shelter and Social Center.

He added that the question of rights and integration of LGBG persons is important in the maturing process of Montenegrin society, and they both agreed that there is a need to further build the consciousness of the community in order to remove all the prejudice towards those who are of different sexual orientation, and in order for all citizens to be able to enjoy equal respect of their rights and freedoms.



Vlada Crne Gore nastaviće da podržava integraciju LGBT zajednice u društvo i pomoći u obezbjeđivanju socijalnih servisa koji su važni za pripadnike te populacije, kazao je predsjednik Vlade Duško Marković na sastanku sa predsjednicom Upravnog odbora LGBT Forum Progresa Bojanom Jokić.

Jokić je pohvalila strateški i zakonodavni okvir koji je na snazi u Crnoj Gori, istakla odličnu saradnju sa Ministarstvom za ljudska i manjinska prava, organima za sprovođenje zakona i Ombudsmanom, te ukazala na potrebu za podrškom države u radu skloništa i socijalnog centra, za koje više nemaju sredstava.

Izrazivši zadovoljstvo zbog napretka u ovoj oblasti i posvećenosti institucija, premijer je kazao da će Vlada podržati i pomoći u realizaciji aktivnosti vezanih za ponovnu aktivaciju skloništa i socijalnog centra.

On je dodao da je pitanje prava i integracije LGBT osoba važno u procesu sazrijevanja crnogorskog društva, a zajednički je konstatovana potreba daljeg jačanja svijesti zajednice kako bi se otklonile predrasude prema pripadnicima osoba drugačije seksualne orjentacije i kako bi svi građani mogli uživati jednako poštovanje svojih prava i sloboda.



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