Brussels, 27 April 2015
Prohibition of the Academic walk of Pride in Niksic
Dear Mr Zizic,
As you are certainly aware, the European Parliament closely monitors the respect and implementation of human rights in Montenegro. In this context, we support and encourage all efforts that are undertaken by the authorities of the state of Montenegro to ensure the fundamental rights of all people living in this country.Prevod otvorenog pisma poslanice Evropskog Prlament Therese Terry Reintke, glavnom policijskom inspektoru CB Nikšić, gospodinu Miloradu Žižiću.

I have recently gained knowledge of the temporary prohibition of the Academic Walk of Pride in Niksic which was announced to take place on 24 April 2015 on the grounds of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic. Taking note of the reasons that led to the decision of prohibiting the Academic Walk of Pride as released on 22 April 2015, I am concerned that this decision may give ample scope for the LGBT community in Montenegro to believe that their rights to freedom of expression and integrity of the person are not adequately protected, thus, that LGBT persons in Montenegro are not treated equally.
Considering that LGBT people in Montenegro are faced with verbal slander and insults on a daily basis and have to envisage threats, assaults and attacks day by day, this decision means a heavy setback for the whole community.
Given that LGBT activists mostly live and operate in isolation and are in perpetual fear of harassment and discrimination, I am afraid that this decision may lead to great disappointment and frustration among the LGBT community and their supporters.
Therefore, I am deeply concerned about this matter and would kindly like to pose two questions that may help clarify the situation:
1. As far as I understand, the prohibition of the Academic Walk of Pride is temporary. Could you please provide me with information on for how long the prohibition will last?
2. What exactly is done at the moment in order to eliminate the causes for the prohibition?
Thank you very much for your attention and please do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions.
Best regards,
Terry Reintke
- Koliko razumijem, zabrana Akademske šetnje Ponosa je privremena. Da li mi možete dati informaciju koliko će zabrana trajati.
- Šta se tačno u ovom trenutku sprovodi kako bi se eliminisali uzroci same zabrane
Zahvaljujem vam na vašoj pažnji i molim vas da me slobodno kontaktirate ukoliko imate pitanja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Theresa Terry Reintke