IDAHOLGBT Forum Progress, the first Montenegrin visible LGBT group, on the occasion of the 17th of May, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), today presented the first Montenegrin LGBT postcard.

IDAHOLGBT Forum Progres, prva crnogorska vidljiva LGBT grupa, povodom 17. maja, Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv homofobije i transfobije (IDAHO), danas je promovisao prvu crnogorsku LGBT razglednicu.

The first LGBT postcard is inclusive, it points out the existence of the LGBT community, its identity and characteristics, the right to liberty and belonging to Montenegro.

imageThe first postcard before LGBT community is addressed and sent to the President of the Parliament, Mr. Ranko Krivokapic. Parliament has a role in supporting the development of political and democratic culture, fostering national cohesion and social inclusion of all social groups and communities.

LGBT Forum Progress will during this year present the LGBT postcards of other municipalities in Montenegro. These activities will support the international promotion of Montenegro and to encourage the development of the concept of LGBT tourism.


Montenegro’s LGBT community celebrates IDAHO day, along with promoting the first LGBT postcards of the Montenegrin capital, with the following contents – street performances, sports tournaments, workshops, book donations to the public and university libraries, as well as fundraising events for other vulnerable groups.

This year’s International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is marked by the recent adoption of the first national LGBT policy – the Strategy of the Government of Montenegro for improvement of the lives of LGBT people in Montenegro until 2018.

ulrike_lunacek_03Ms Ulrike Lunacek, member of the European Parliament and the president of the LGBT Intergroup, also supported marking the IDAHO with video message to the citizens of Montenegro but also to civil society organisation and the Government of Montenegro.

You can watch video message of Ms Ulrike Lunaceks’ here on our YouTube PAGE

Support for marking of the IDAHO day was provided by the British Embassy in Podgorica.

Prva LGBT razglednica je inkluzivnog tipa, promoviše postojanje LGBT zajednice, njen identitet i obilježja, pravo na slobodu i pripadništvo Crnoj Gori.

Prva razglednica ispred LGBT zajednice adresirana je i poslata predsjedniku Skupštine Crne Gore gospodinu Ranku Krivokapiću. Parlament ima noseću ulogu u razvoju političke i demokratske kulture, podsticanju nacionalne kohezije i socijalne inkluzije svih društvenih grupa i zajednica.


LGBT Forum Progres u ovoj godini će promovisati i LGBT razglednice drugih opština u Crnoj Gori. To aktivnosti biće u funkciji međunarodne promocije Crne Gore i podsticanja razvoja koncepta LGBT turizma.

Crnogorska LGBT zajednica IDAHO dan obilježava, uz promovisanje prve LGBT razglednice Glavnog grada Crne Gore, i sledećim sadržajima – uličnim performansom, sportskim turnirom, radionicom, donacijama knjiga javnim gradskim i univerzitetskim bibliotekama kao i humanitarnim akcijama  prema drugim ugroženim grupama.


Ovogodišnji Međunarodni dan borbe protiv homofobije i transfobije u znaku je nedavnog usvajanja prve nacionalne LGBT politike – Strategije Vlade Crne Gore za unapređenje kvaliteta života LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori do 2018. godine.

ulrike_lunacek_03Takodje, građanima i građankama Crne Gore danas je 17. maj čestitala i gospođa Ulrike Lunaček, poslanica Evropskog parlamenta i predsjednica LGBT Integrupe.

Kompletnu video poruku gospođe Lunaček možete odgledati na našem YouTube profilu

Podršku za obilježavanje IDAHO dana pružila je Britanska ambasada u Podgorici.

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