Novosti The first LGBT postcard of Podgorica was presented todayPromovisana prva LGBT razglednica Podgorice 16.05.2013 By urednikLGBT Forum Progress, the first Montenegrin visible LGBT group, on the occasion of the 17th of May, the International Day… Opširnije
Novosti Marking the 17th of May has started – IDAHO dayObilježavanje 17. maja – Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv homofobije i transfobije 15.05.2013 By urednikSoon LGBT Forum Progres, prva crnogorska vidljiva LGBT grupa, tradicionalno obilježava 17. maj – Međunarodni dan borbe protiv homofobije i transfobije. Opširnije
Novosti Adopted Strategy for improvement of quality of life of the LGBT persons at the Governments Council for Protection Against Discrimination Usvojena Strategija za unapređenje života LGBT osoba na Savjetu za zaštitu od diskriminacije 30.04.2013 By urednikLGBT Forum Progress, a non-governmental organization that visibly gathers and represents the rights and interests of the LGBT community in… Opširnije
Novosti Verdict for the violation of safety Presuda zbog ugrožavanja sigurnosti 24.04.2013 By urednikThe Basic Court in Bar made a first instance criminal verdict to the citizen MP (1988), a student of the… Opširnije
Novosti French parliament says “OUI” to marriage equalityFrancuski parlament rekao „DA“ jednakosti prava na brak 23.04.2013 By urednikToday, the French National Assembly adopted in the final reading a law extending the right to marriage and entitlement to… Opširnije
Novosti LGBT Forum Progress strongly condemns the attacks on LGBT activists in Macedonia LGBT Forum Progres osudjuje napada na LGBT aktiviste u Makedoniji 22.04.2013 By urednikLGBT Forum Progress from Montenegro strongly condemns the recent occurrence of hate crime and hate speech committed against the LGBT… Opširnije